Monday, May 6, 2013

A Most Marvelous Picture of Love

     Act !: Scene 1

     Lazarus was sick.  Mary and Martha had gotten word to Jesus that their brother was near to death.  Jesus was in Jerusalem with his disciples when he heard the news, so he stayed their two more days! Now the first response to this would be why?  Most people when they hear of a loved one near death move heaven and earth to be with the one who is near death.Especially since Jerusalem was only 2 miles away. Not Jesus.  He operated in a different zone.
     At first he tells his friends that he is only asleep, but later reveals to them that he is actually dead. And that he wanted to be late on purpose so that God would be glorified.  He was about to do something wonderful.
     Act 2: Scene 2
     Now Jesus coming in to Bethany came to the place where they had placed Lazarus in a tomb with a stone across the opening.  A multitude of people had gathered when they had heard that Jesus was going to see his friend. What was he going to do now?  All of then knew that he loved Lazarus and the sisters. They waited and heard Jesus pray and lift his hands towards heaven and wept.  "Lazarus come forth" they heard, and then a man came stumbling out of a darkened cave with grave wrappings all over his body.  Pulling and tugging on the wrappings Lazarus came fully into the light and beheld all of the people in front of him, including his Lord.  

Act 3: Scene 3

     Six days later a dinner was given in Jesus's honor.  Mary and Martha served their lord while Lazarus "reclined" at the table.  Imagine the peace and joy they all were experiencing.  Jesus had raised back to life a friend who now ate and drank again on the side of life he had been separated from days earlier.
     Mary moves quietly across the room and removes a precious bottle of perfume from a shelf and lowers herself down to Jesus's feet and pours all of it on his feet and then wipes the rest off with her hair.  What thanksgiving and love.  "Scripture reveals to us that to those who are forgiven much, love much." Lazarus had been pulled back into a life once again to be with his sisters and be with Jesus. Mary  I'm quite sure wrestled in pain with the problem of Jesus not responding quickly enough to her request that Jesus come see her brother before he died. 
      Now she loved much..... and trusted much.

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