Sunday, May 12, 2013

E=Mc 2'd or Sin = Force?

     Can we quantify sin and measure it's force upon us? Is there really a battle in the heavens of good and evil?  And do we truly have an advocate that speaks for us? Yes there is and it is the Holy
Spirit.  Sent from God and to those first disciples the spirit empowered them mightley  to do the works of God just like Jesus.
     Gravity is a force that we deal with every day and like gravity sin also exists and we must deal with it every day as well.  Though some say it is non-existent and man made or thought up it's idea now in our modern world is an antiquated idea only.  There is a popular  book that circulated a few years back  written by one Richard Dawkins  called "The God Delusion" that basically said that anyone who believes in a personal God is deluded.  If we can deny God then we can deny sin and it's effect upon us and therefore our conscience remains unconvicted.  But does it really remain that way or is it hidden and are we blinded to it's force upon us?
     That is the great lie Satan uses against us every day.  It is the lie from the beginning "Did God really say....."
A twisting of the truth just a little makes for a different story.
     Jesus disarmed powers and principalities when he voluntarily went to the cross and was crucified for sin he did not have.  In the scriptures the only sin that is not forgivable is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Why?  All other sins are forgivable why not this one?  Ask Ananias and Saphira those of the early Church that lied to the Holy Spirit.  They died rather quickly.  It is because of the final work of God in our day, we can receive the Holy Spirit by Belief in Gods only son who came to deliver us and to show us the true nature of sin that works in the shadows, hates light and will always deny that Jesus is the Christ.
     Why do we continue to reel from headlines like The Boston Bombings and are shocked by the way these evils spring upon us suddenly?  It is because sin is clandestine and always will be a force to be reckoned with and dealt with daily.  Good news though, when we receive the Holy Spirit we begin as Paul preached to become a new creation by the renewing of our minds.  A renewing inside and out and with eyes like Jesus able to see clearly for the first time and evaluate issues that will be with us always.
  1. Revelation 1:14 ▻ ... as snow. And his eyes were like flames of fire... His head and hair were white like wool--white as snow--and His eyes like a fiery flame.

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