Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Linear Time + Biological Cell Death = Death (but Just add water) Holy Spirit = Eternal Life

      I have always been fascinated with the idea of time. I was a fan of H.G. Wells and his Time Machine story and of numerous thoughts and theory  about time travel from Star Trek shows to popular shows on discovery that portray many side by side dimensions or realities that could exist at the quantum level. Perhaps I was fascinated because I wanted to believe in other realities other than my own demise at 70 years of age or so.
     I remember reading a small obscure book when I was 7 or 8 years old, called "Ruins at Pueblo Bonito." Thumbing through the pages and coming upon a black and white picture of a skeleton that was unearthed in an indian grave of a small boy I was horrified! Is this what happens to me?  I did not really comprehend death yet. So began my questions of mortality and my search for answers to my BIG questions at the early age of nine!
     Over the next 17 years I was exposed to many different types of religions that wanted me to join or give my allegiance to something invisible but had not made itself known to me.  These included groups from Hare Krishna, Sung Yung Moon and their followers, "The Way MInistries" who if you wanted to join them you would have to become a "twig" ( I guessed a part of a branch of a larger group) and even U.S. mainline churches...Baptists, Methodists, Catholics, Soul Savers and fundamentalist groups and on and on the list goes....! All of them represented something on a scale that required some form of commitment from me that I was curious about but never convinced of.  All of them promised some form of tangible reward or reason to join them but still I was not touched where I needed to be touched.  The main line Churches were more concerned about numbers and programs, The Eastern religions were more interested in working your way to either the next incarnation or meditating to a point of "nothingness" The U.S. Churches wanted my $$$ and time and membership for life!  What was I to do?  Throw caution to the wind, and try all of them and then decide which one fit?  Which one answered my basic question of W H A T* H A P P E NS *T O *M E and why don't you have the answer I want?????  Undoubtedly a very self centered stance! But nevertheless important to me.

     Only one did fit the bill and that turned out to be the unalterable words of Christ.  NO not the man made multi-denominational- institutional morphs of what we now call Christianity but the Word of Life incarnated God that cared for me personally and swapped his life for mine.  Distill out all of the many gazillion ways to attend Church today and there you will find the Gold you search for in Jesus in simplicity, the way he wants to be found.  With a non-judgemental stance in terms of Christianity one can worship God in Truth and Spirit if God has deposited His Spirit within you.
   Just like Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well...we Jews know who it is we worship but in time all will know this too.
     And so back to the earlier question of time being linear and biological cell death...the answer is resurrection and yes I will die but  I will rise again just like Christ......What body will I have?

        The answer to that is in Corinthians and Paul's answer to his fellow new babes in Christ!


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