Sunday, July 28, 2013

Power, Unrest and The Death of Men

     See, the Lord rides on a swift cloud
    and is coming to Egypt.The idols of Egypt tremble before him,    and the hearts of the Egyptians melt with fear.
“I will stir up Egyptian against Egyptian—    brother will fight against brother,
    neighbor against neighbor,    city against city,    kingdom against kingdom.

The Egyptians will lose heart,    and I will bring their plans to nothing;

       These words are the Prophet Isaiah's written well over 2,500 years ago yet what we are witnessing today may very well be the culmination of what God is doing now in our time.  Open up the NY Times and read the sadness of what is happening before our eyes, their military just killed over 70 people who protested against Morsi's ouster.  Peaceful demonstrations turn deadly when arms are brought to bear and innocents are killed for a just cause?  Yes we here in America understand our freedoms are hard fought and won yet how do we feel these things with a just heart being so many miles removed yet so close with the advent of our modern media?  Whose side do we take? And how do we rationalize the bloodshed?  The powerful will always take power in a vacuum and it is almost always bloody.  Witness Syria, Tunisia, Yemen, and almost all of the Islamic nations going haywire at once---"The Arab Spring continues."  Is this of men or of God?  Hard to say....yet we watch with eyes of tears as innocents die, Children, mothers, fathers all with the same hope of us here in America. we want to live, eat and have dignity.  God knows this and has plans we do not know of. Our temporal problems will be of no consideration  when a new heaven and earth are created and this one of many sins are washed away.  
     Daniel's golden vision of kingdoms still stands as testimony of those many great empires brought low by God's mighty hand in our affairs.  The last kingdom feet of clay mixed with iron being shattered by a great stone from heaven.  Is this democracy being shattered? The hope of men's hands?

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