Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Is This As Good As It Gets?

     7:00 am
      I awoke early and went to the store as I usually do for my morning coffee and donuts.  As I entered the store I arrived at the freshly stocked case filled with just baked donuts with the aroma hitting my nose just before I opened the doors.  I put 2 in a bag and then turned and walked out through the aisles and towards the front of the store. As I walked I looked at all the food, and "stuff" perfectly aligned and in never ending rows.  Item upon item perfectly arrayed in an offering that seemed to go on forever and gave the sense of awe.  I remembered having grown up during the cold war, pictures of Russians standing for sometimes hours and perhaps days just to get bread.
     Suddenly my spirit and understanding caught up with me....What if this is as good as it gets?  And what if there will come a time when this no longer exists?  I confess I am a creature of habit and I enjoy my morning ritual. What if it suddenly goes pffft! and is no more?  We had the banking crisis go global and rock all markets so what if it goes a step further and we cannot get out the next time?  And...   we suffer calamity such as we have not been used too.  With that notion rattling around in my brain, I walked a little more soberly towards the checkout and paid for my donuts.  Half thinking what a strange thing that just happened to me!  Several years ago I suffered a time of joblessness and homlessness and somehow with ooodles of God's grace came out of it.  I came to know during that time what if felt like to have absolutely no purchasing power at all .....zilch#&^%!  So now when I see a person in need I have to stop myself from ignoring and dooooo something!
    Scripture says somewhere in the NT that if you see a brother in need and instead of helping with physical stuff like food and clothes but say " be well" then we are doing essentially nothing for that person. Just like if we do a drive by and leave that person without help.
    I know we cannot solve all that comes to us on a daily basis,  but little by little we can make a difference to someone, an individual, a person with feelings.  Even if it's small.
                                                    I really like my coffee &  donuts!>>>>>>>

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