Monday, February 3, 2014

Zombie Nation!

                                 The Walking Dead cable tv show has nothing!  Get This!

                      And those in the graves shall rise first!  The oceans will give up their dead.....
                        Where, O death, is your victory?
                               Where, O death, is your sting?”[i]
56 The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. 57 But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

     Have you Seen I am Legend?....wretched twisted humans non recognizable..corrupted by a virus. Seen World War Z?  Instantaneous hideous zombies & people acting out their wretchedness...  all fantasy.....but read on....

     But in Dante's Inferno there is a kind of truth....wretchedness and human suffering for all of the sins of man that has been heaped up upon himself. That's the real zombie nation.  Circles and layers of hell: >The Ante Inferno> filled with those who made no choice either good or evil, Limbo filled with pagans or those without Christ> then further down layer by layer gets filled with those of Lust, Gluttony,Wrath, Heretics, the Violent to others and to themselves,Seducers, Thieves, Diviners & Astrologers and finally those who Betrayed. The very center filled with Satan himself portrayed with three chewing heads himself bound up in ice having been cast to earth for his challenge to almighty God.

     There will indeed be a metamorphosis a change for those that will rise from the dust.  Some to corruption some to the glory promised by a God who does not change and will indeed play out his will on us those he has created and set loose on this earthly little ball hovering effortlessly in space by his will set among the gazillions of other worlds and galaxies uncomprehendingly  grasped by the human mind.

     Those that rise from the grave in Christ will also change from glory to glory.  Paul says in Corinthians. In the twinkling of an eye we will be changed.  We will not rise as we were in death in sickness and frail of body eaten up by time that has consumed our bodies and made them weak from exposure to all of our experiences either in sin our out of it by Cancers, or Parkinsons, or Sclerosis or many of the other sickness we are prone to in this life.  Why did Jesus heal so many? So many kinds of sicknesses are  identified in the Bible that he healed right away.  Those who succumbed to an early death,(think of the woman who was dearly loved who sewed all manner of clothing....and dearly missed she rose, from a healing (Dorcas).  The poor woman whose only son died prematurely...rose again from her faithfulness towards God and she was blessed with oil that did not cease to overflow abundantly even during famine.
    The  Lepers, lunatics, the  lame,the  blind, the paralyzed etc, etc. these living Zombies were changed forever by a touch of Christ and never to suffer again in their bodies except for natural aging were exposed to Christ and healed.
                                              "Mercy triumphs over judgement"...... that's the message for our change, our own more Zombies!  
zombieHS.jpg (750×750)

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