Tuesday, May 20, 2014

He Said what he said and he meant what he said!

     Ever take a moment and wonder at the words of Jesus?  He had many things to say some hard and some down right confusing. But he said what he said and he meant what he said. All of  his teachings simple to the point and all of his sterness towards those who resisted and those who tried to pervert his words were rebuked quickly! Why? Let's look at what he said about sin itself.  He said, Truly I tell you, people can be forgiven all their sins and every slander they utter, 29 but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin.”  
     There is then an eternal sin! Why is this not a forgivable sin?  It is because the Spirit itself is God, invisible, all powerful,omnipresent and now given and living in those who believe in this present day that our body is now the temple of the living God.  Cleansed and rooted out of our sins by the blood of Christ now housing the very presence of God himself, up close and working to perform  his will in a "new wineskin."  Did you wonder at the change in Peter, so dramatic so different from the man he was before,a denier and afraid for his life.  Now bold and preaching the same message of his teacher.  What about Paul? The murderous man now blinded and changed given a new heart and one that was remarkable.  Infused with understanding by the Holy Spirit he was responslbe for 2/3 'rds of the written New Testament.  How is this so? Because Jesus told each of those he picked to "wait for the comforter."  The very Spirit poured out on Pentecost and poured like wine into a vessel that was ready to receive it.  You see we have to be open to the words of Jesus first and foremost. We have to believe that he is (God) before we can receive what he has for each and every man woman and child on the earth.  Change....New, heart, new eyes, new ears and willing to do and say what the teacher wants.
     Along the way remember there will temptation to forget the words of Jesus, temptation to stop doing what it is we are supposed to  do because of peer pressure or giving in to unbelief itself.  
     We are in the dispensation and time of the working of the Holy Spirit if you are looking for something more there is no more this is it and it is now.  All of the other imposters vying for attention will burn up and come to nothing. Only the words of God spoke will be lasting and his words never return without accomplishing what he wants it too.  So the ones who deny or make fun of that which they do not understand are in a fearful place.  Remember Jesus also said that those who mislead (children or prevent those from entering in the kingdom, " it would be better that a millstone be tied around their necks."  Scary!  So all of those who preach "a different Jesus", as Paul warned, be forewarned.  Their can be no different Jesus or Holy Spirit than the one we read about in the Word.   

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