Monday, May 5, 2014

Mind Games:

    Let's not play mind games with our God:  We all know what it is our God wants, it is already written of and pased down to us in the form of the Word:  Letters and stories of men and women who long before us asked the same questions we do: What is it that we are here for?  Why are the things the way they are?  Those who are saved and have taken on the mantle of Christ need no longer have questions in their mind: what is God saying and it is really God?  These are mind games that interfere with our sense of God.  Wasn't it crystal clear when you first received the Spirit?  Did you not feel the intense love of God's forgiveness when you received the Spirit?  Then as the scipture says" Quit yourselves like men.....and fight" (The Philistines won the battle over the Israelites that day>) Samuel 8. Why muddy the waters trying trying to find the mind of God?  It is already within you.  Why ask Does God really love me? Does he want this or that?  How do I know if this is what God really wants? Sitting in meeting after meeting I hear these questions raised and it is disturbing.  These are the doubts, and they are not of the Spirit of God. They are of the Devil, They are the thoughts and questions that are as old as the Garden of Eden story itself. Did God really say.....  so ignore these doubts they go nowhere and are a pointless direction leading to not to a destination but leading to confusion. Weren't the disciples full of confusion at the death of their Lord?  Yes they were and acted upon that state of mind. But later were filled with the spirit and changed forever.  Thanks be to God....we have their testimony and the testimony of the Lord himself.
      Therefore have this mind in you......The mind of Christ.

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