Friday, May 9, 2014

"Until There Is NO Remedy"

     How much are you willing to tolerate?  Can you tolerate the liar? Can you tolerate the thief? Or how about One who murders?  These are pretty common examples of things that people do that a healthy society normally would not tolerate and we reject them.  These are pretty clear cut and there are laws to deal with these types of things.  But what about all the other things that are rapidly increasing?  Where once the norms of society would shun things and not even openly talk of them suddenly there is no more shame.  Our entertainment industry goes a long way in moving the morals of this country to the far left and then openly embracing things that 70 years ago would be thought of as shameful.  What am I talking about?  Many behaviors of a rudderless society, free to roam the waters of democracy where if I proclaim my conservatism in morals then I can be attacked for them and be made a mockery of.  Yet if  I proclain the same right of liberalism then many would embrace me as open minded and tolerant.
     But what of this tolerance, just whose is it anyway? OURs! Not God's.........Yet in all things in Christianity we are taught not to judge....others because of what judgement we judge...we will be judged. In other words of careful and let God's judgement reign so that you are off the hook!  It would be a better proposition for God to mete out his justice rather than ours which can be at best rise and fall with the emotions we feel at any given moment.

     If we are to be a moral society, then whose morals do we follow?  And where do morals come from?  Certainly not from within the human heart.".for the heart is desperately wicked who can know it?" It had to originate from someone ( some being not human) so as corruption would not even be near to the one who dispenses it?  When the rich young ruler came to Jesus he called him "good" and saw Jesus's ministry of good works, healing, teaching, feeding the poor, visiting the sick etc, etc. Yet Jesus replied as he had too and as a( Son of God and a man)... should. He said, "Why do you call me good? Only God is Good." Knowing that only his father in heaven was truly good he replied honestly even though he being without sin and also the Son Of God.
     Repentance was the message by John the Baptist and it opened up the ministry of Jesus.  So it was important to know what to repent of? Our own works and our obvliousness to our sin. Far away from what God intended for us.  Reconciliation was his ministry and returning us to be in the good graces of God his mission.
     In the book of Ezekiel he a prophet, is granted extraordinary visions and sees the sins of the Priests and the people that have opened up themselves to things just like we do when without guidance.  Many Gods, immorality, many beliefs, in any respect (liberalism) and open to believe anything. Leaving behind what God commanded in the first place. So Ezekiel sees the Glory of God depart from the sanctuary and Israel itself and hover a mountain in the East.  The people did not even flinch, that is until judgement fell on them.  A short while later another nation overtook Israel and Judah  took all the people and scattered them throughout their kingdom.  A nation that was to adhere to principles and codes of morality threw them away and as a result received a jealous God's judgement.  So where are we in this 21 century with our enlightened ways of thought?
     Will we also as a nation receive in us a judgement from a God who is jealous for right living and or worshiping him and him alone?  Is our climate change, polluted rivers, decaying cities (Detroit) financial corruption and deadlocked government all resulting from being too far away from God?  And are the decisions we make erroneous when so? Do we invite the curses instead of the blessings?
 Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? saith the Lord God: and not that he should return from his ways, and live?    Ezekiel knew first hand.   Do we?  christmas_shekinah-glory.jpg (350×220)

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