Saturday, June 14, 2014

Kill Him! Really ? Are You So blind?

     10 So the chief priests made plans to kill Lazarus as well, 11 for on account of him many of the Jews were going over to Jesus and believing in him.
     Who were these men that were plotting the death of Lazarus?  The man had just been raised from the dead!  (Days earlier) and now reclining in peace with his sisters and Jesus and his disciples!  These men so hard, of heart, deaf of hearing and eyes so crusted over with their sin they could not see Jesus for who he was!  Stupid? No, but full of fear of their loss of their positional standing. They must have been, here was a man that stumbles out of a dark cave with grave wrappings still on him coming into the light in front of the Lord of life himself and the news was enough to" cause many to follow him to Bethany!"  Yet instead of glorying in God for the miracle of life they plotted to kill him and Jesus.  Religion kills, the letter kills, the Spirit that resides in all who believe in Jesus will raise those the same way Lazarus was and the same way Jesus took up his life again after three days of darkness, descension in Hell, freeing the captives of Satan and rising to heavenly places.  
     Glory to God!, Glory to God! should have been their response!  Instead they were full of fear of losing their positional standings, hard of heart and an eye towards murder!  Lovely, warm and converted people they were! 

      So here we are in the last days awaiting Jesus's return, how will the many religious of our day react?  Will it be the same?  Will there be fear and an eye towards murder? Or will there be mass repentance at his coming?
       Joy for those who know his voice, unfortunate judgement for those who resisted the calls.  

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