Friday, June 20, 2014

"Quod Scripsi,Scripsi"

                                                                          Passover morning:

     I awoke earlier  today than I wanted to.  The sounds of much human traffic outside my window provoking me out of my sleep.  My bed was already empty as my wife had arisen early in the morning. Apparently she couldn't sleep well either.  Today, "The Gods be cursed, he muttered. Passover!" 
 Looking down at the massing crowds his stomach tightened and his brow furrowed thinking of the impending riots to be quelled today.  
     'Prefect of Judea', was my official title and duties, administrative in the Roman republic, one of which meant subduing these rebellious people I governed. Taxes and rebellions seemed to take all of my time here in this small distant and dustpatch of land in our great and glorious Roman Republic.  
     I turned and closed the window coverings and headed towards my eating chambers and sat and mulled over the day.  My wife visible in the distance of our spacious quarters seemed distracted. I motioned to her and she came to my side.  After talking I found that she was greatly disturbed by a dream depicting a one called Jesus.  Seems she had "revelation" to leave this man alone. 
     "Shall I, as prefect bend to this vision of yours?  Shall I also subject myself the the many superstitions of this land and it's people and now include yours as well?  Nonsense!  I was troubled but did not care to show it.
     I rose and walked away, quartering myself in my study, I dressed for the day. Gathering my robes, rings and light armor I was fully of a mind to forget anything of what my wife said to me.  The voices below echoed hollow in my hallway bringing to mind again what day this was.  
   Centurions were now banging at my door, furiously wanting entrance to my house.  Usually they were circumspect owing to my perceived authority but not today.  
     "Prefect! they shouted we have need of you now! Please come out and see!"
     Opening up the door I was confronted with a man, a Jew in between two of  my Centurions staring me in the face.  
    " It only the first hour of the day! And I have just barely finished eating my first meal and you bring me a stranger to my house!"
     "It's the Jews, prefect, they want you to rule on this man."  He is their King and has broken their law and Caesars by his claims!"
     "King?  Have they crowned a King, without my knowledge? Surely you are mistaken! I have heard of no such thing. Take him away."
     "Prefect, the crowds grow riotus, and they will not leave until you rule on this man. They will protest to Caesar if they do not get satisfaction!"
        I knotted up inside, it has already started.  "Very well, leave me and this man outside I will rule in one hour!"  I closed the heavy doors and wanted dearly to be free of this decision.  His eyes, eyes that were so serene and full of a certain depth made me wonder.  "He was their King?" dressed in no attire that would suggest royalty or any standing at all he stood mute before me. I startled as I turned, my wife had come up behind me  quietly.
      "Leave this man in peace, I told you, now you are involved in their squabbles!"
"Yes, Yes I know.  One hour and it will be over. I assure you it will not continue to ruin this day!"
     I walked slowly and returned to the room still cloaked in darkness,the  morning sun had not reached yet.  I sat and waited trying to relax before I presented my self to their inevitable insults.  
     I turned, dipped my hands in the bronze laver and then dried them carefully and quite openly infront of all those before me.  "Here is the man!"
  I instructed those who led him, to  prepare a sign and mount it atop the cross. It was over......
                                                              'KING of THE JEWS'

                                                             "QUOD SCRIPSI,SCRIPSI"
     christsignoncross.jpg (396×216)

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