Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Magnificent Sufferer:

     But for the joy set before him Christ went to the cross silent as a Lamb and innocent of sin.  He made no protest before Pilate, he made no remarks to the High Priests when bound before them while those around him mocked him, beat and berated him and pulled out his beard.   Jesus was the magnificent sufferer....for us.   With us in mind he suffered like no other, and man of sorrows and aquainted with grief he went to his death so that he, firstborn from the dead could lead many sons and daughters into the Kingdom of God. He abolished death and made an open show to all principalities and powers once and for all time showing his majesty to all Angels while bringing dread to those fallen ones in Hades forever enraging them.
     The name of Jesus was raised above all other names named, imbued with power and  utilized by the Apostles to heal, deliver, teach, prophesy, and lead many more to the faith in the "new way."
     As Paul said. " how can we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?" This meaning that no one will escape judgement now that the price for our disobedience was paid, a line in the sand was drawn.
     From now until the end of time there is opportunity to free others who have not heard the good gospel.
                     "Blessed are those who have not seen but believe as Jesus taught.
      There is a mystery to unfold. Jesus said that no one can come to this revelation unless the Father draw him.  Why?  Are some drawn and some not?  Some hard of heart and others ripe for the harvest?  Yet he also said go ye into all the world....in other words do not be silent about this... amazing and saving grace.
     There is no other way( narrow is the road and small is the gate) that leads to the....  the magnificent sufferer
 .  crownnails1.jpg (425×282)

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