Tuesday, October 28, 2014

It Always Starts With One Dominoe!

     What are we seeing today? Is is anything different from ages ago?  Or do we fight the same battles over and over again?  Just read the Epistles of Paul to the various churches he helped found and anyone with eyes can see that problems then are still  problems  today and they have existed before any of us were born.  So those of us who are "boomers" can certainly see an upward swing of increase in issues of morality even though our generation  participated in the sexual revolution and those of the "greatest generation" of whom Tom Brokaw wrote about certainly see a thousand fold increase of the things of which I write about. To them appearances were everything of importance, permissions from fathers' to date daughters was considered correct.  Timeliness in getting them home early avoided hopefully any unwanted circumstances from angry fathers!  Gossip was considered appalling and anyone who engaged in it was to be avoided!
     So now in our time in less than 20 years the pendulum is again swinging in the opposite direction.
     Morality is now on trial in this country.  The Supreme Court wisely sidestepped  the issue and more or less opened up states rights for same sex couples.  It was a tide they could not stop.  Neither can we as Christians regulate those oustide the Church and say they must do this and this. It is not our place.
     To those Christians Paul was addressing with his "corrections" concerning sexual sins it was for those who have been sanctified within the Church and "purchased with the blood of Christ's crucifixion.  It will always be about that because once a person is united in Spirit with Christ and given the Holy Spirit, it changes everything.  You are  a new creation and we must not sin any more as Christ's mercy towards the adulterous woman has shown.  I believe she was shown compassion and unbounded mercy from  her new found Lord who delivered her from death by stoning.      So we can view the events of this world Just like Paul did in his time but re-direct our efforts to those who are perishing but seeking truth.  Salvation is for all and anyone who would come to the Lord.  But, then you must change and not continue in your sins of before and that is obedience to Christ nothing more.
     18 Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body. 19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.   
   Christ was wise in his admonitions to "Judge not that ye be judged."  Judgement it is said begins in the house of God because it is there where we begin to live anew and have our understandings opened up and it is not narrow minded at all.   To those who suffer, we have compassion. To those in prison, we visit, to those who are sick we pray for healing, and to those who are poor we give so that they can eat and be clothed.  Is this a bad way to live?  This is the Christianity that is not hyprocisy.   It is a sad thing when Christianity suffers for those who have wronged it.  It is a blemish on the larger Church.  
     So don't be alarmed at the domino's, they will continue to fall........................until.....dominos-1.jpg (496×199)

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