Thursday, October 23, 2014

To Thirst No More:

To thirst no more; When someone has found what they have been looking for there is no longer a thirst or drive to keep on looking.  The thirst is quenched. So is the explorer driven on by the wander lust in his heart to see just what is on the next horizon. He keeps on going until he is satisfied he has seen and done it all.  
But there are those in this world who continually thirst for the truth and search it out diligently trying all testing all to find that "pearl of great price" that Jesus talked about in his parable.  Trying all and testing all  for one's lifetime can be a struggle and a burden if one does not find what he searches for.  His heart turns up empty his soul listless and his spirit unfulfilled in his lifetime. Solomon knew this. He tested everything and gave his heart to all things to see what was in them. Yet he went about unfulfilled because he missed the one thing he should have paid attention too.   His Lord. In his time he sought out many God's and erected many worship places for his wives of many countries, it was his distraction. It was his error. 
      We have many voices to listen to  in our day that speak of their kind of truth yet lead atray and are of no value.  We practice yoga meditate, seek signs thru astrology, seek mystical experiences, seek other worlds and hope for life in distant galaxcies  to one day go to and leave the daily tragedys behind us here on this broken world.  There is hunger.  For peace, for truth, for satisfaction, for safety, for future and for life.
     If you believe it there will be one in our time  who comes and promises to give all of this to us and the first one who comes will be a liar.  Do not believe the great signs an wonders he will do.  For as Isaiah prophecy's says "The vile person shall no more be called liberal, Nor the churl (fool) to be bountiful. For the vile person shall speak villany and his heart will work iniquity, to practise hypocrisy, and to utter error against the LOrd, To make empty the soul of the hungry, and he will cause the drink of the thirsty to fail."  
     In essensce he will offer nothing to satisfy. It will all fail and we will be deceived if possible.  
Then the one whose hair is as white as snow whose feet are like bronze and who speaks with a sword will devour that one who lies.  It will be the Lamb of God, slain from before the world began for us and our waywardness. Son of David, Prince of Peace, Lion of Judah, Son of Man, JESUS these are his names and the name of our salvation and the fulfilment of our peace while we are here. NO other name will do no other person will do what he has done for us............................He is LORD.

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