Saturday, October 18, 2014

Kobyashi Maru:

                      How we face death is at least as important as how we face life."
 Bones,   "He's dead Jim!  
Kirk,  "Bones, What happened to Him?
Bones, " He didn't pass the Kobyashi Maru!  He's died without passing the test!"
 Kirk, " Bones, He didn't have to die this way, There was another choice, one I made years ago."
 Bones, "Nobody's like you, Jim, you found another way to cheat death!"
 Kirk, " I didn't cheat death Bones, I don't believe in a no-win scenario!"
  Bones, " Like hell you did, you re-programed the whole damn computer!"
Kirk, "No Bones, I didn't someone else re-programed me! That's how I beat the Kobyashi Maru!"
Bones, " Then tell me, so no one else has to go through this again!"........................
Kobayashi_Maru_scenario,_2258.jpg (1920×800)

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