Thursday, January 1, 2015


 There is a time for everything,
 and a season for every activity under the heavens:

Another year has ended and with it we put behind us the things we have done, the things we have seen both the good and the bad.  2015 is here a space age number!  I remember the sixties song "in the year 2525 if man is still alive".......some 210 years to go for this to come to be and will we make it?   We will if we  can tame the aggressions of nations who choose to live outside the norms of the world's more civilized societies.  If not, wars and rumors of wars will be the prophetic words come to life.   They are a Biblical progression of events foretold and nothing God says is void or empty........ they will come.
     But we can rejoice that there is a heavenly plan even if some would deny it's possibilities by overlooking it as some old and ancient nonsense.  God is very much alive and active in our world.  Faith is the substance of things not seen.......the evidence of things hoped for.   We as Christians hold on to faith because of this very reason.  We can fail, we are mortal are weak, and we still need God to at times bolster our strength.  If we humble ourselves then God will do his best to redeem the times that are here.  The madness of nations, people, climactic events,  aren't they enough to make one consider..................our times?  

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