Thursday, January 22, 2015

Can children have toys and not play with them?

          The discussion for a non-nuclear Iran goes on and on.  Is their intent peace and energy as they say? Or is it deception, hiding in plain sight?  Wisdom is required.  I am a child of the sixties, born during the Eisenhower administration, double nickel, smack in the middle of the 50's.  I remember the symbols of nuclear radiation and bomb shelters, and hiding drills in school unders our flimsy desks.  I remember the "Salt" treaties and the rush to eliminate the hard weapons of Armageddon we had amassed during the cold war era.  I took for granted that those who survived and took part in the World wars l and ll were wiser that I and we just followed their instructions. I was also alarmed at the Vietnam war and wanted peace. My father was a lifer  in the Marine Corp, and  a figure I opposed.  I have listened to those of the Jewish Holocaust who survived tell of the atrocities inflicted on them by other "human beings", a nation led by  an insane individual, much like the past figure of Antiochus Epiphanes, the Selecid King who wiped out the Jews of his day.  And I think to my self, we still have this destructible ability within nations that are unstable and will they use  them?? (like  chldren who play with their toys?_ God forbid.  And so I will evaluate the next Presidential election carefully to see who is able to hold the awesome power of that office and will they be a man or woman of wisdom?  
     Someone too young may not have the wisdom, Someone too inexperienced, not able, someone to right wing may be too much of a hawk, and someone too "doveish" may be misled by those in other nations hardened by centuries of warfare and used to deceptive techniques.  A hard choice.
    I think the nation of Israel will help to balance the scales. They have much to protect, they have much experience and can read the ripples on the water.  We should not alienate them, or listen to those who would "push them into the sea". Even though they talk peace...............ISIS, Boko Haram, Al Queda, Iran, Korea,
Yemen, all hot spots and breeding ground for terror.  Isolationism., once the foreign policy choice, probably is not the way to go anymore.
     Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, so very young to hold office of the President.  Kennedy was also young but War experienced and held of Kruschev.  Do their ambitions exceed their experience?  I think so, power must be intoxicating.  And they are close to it everyday.
     Clinton, Bush...repeats but, they are already surrounded by people with connections, possible wisdom and counsels that would fair better than a total re-work of government by nubies.
       So beware those whose words drip like honey...............peace from the Persians?  Maybe from their citizens but not their government.  Peace from the Palestinians? same................Abbas is circumventing the WORLD STAGE>.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Fear The LORD those nations that take what is not theirs:

 Then the Lord replied:
“Write down the revelation
    and make it plain on tablets
    so that a herald[b] may run with it.
For the revelation awaits an appointed time;
    it speaks of the end
    and will not prove false.
Though it linger, wait for it;
    it[c] will certainly come
    and will not delay.
“See, the enemy is puffed up;
    his desires are not upright—
    but the righteous person will live by his faithfulness[d]
indeed, wine betrays him;
    he is arrogant and never at rest.
Because he is as greedy as the grave
    and like death is never satisfied,
he gathers to himself all the nations
    and takes captive all the peoples.
“Will not all of them taunt him with ridicule and scorn, saying,
“‘Woe to him who piles up stolen goods
    and makes himself wealthy by extortion!
    How long must this go on?’
Will not your creditors suddenly arise?
    Will they not wake up and make you tremble?
    Then you will become their prey.
Because you have plundered many nations,
    the peoples who are left will plunder you.
For you have shed human blood;
    you have destroyed lands and cities and everyone in them.
“Woe to him who builds his house by unjust gain,
    setting his nest on high
    to escape the clutches of ruin!
10 You have plotted the ruin of many peoples,
    shaming your own house and forfeiting your life.
11 The stones of the wall will cry out,
    and the beams of the woodwork will echo it.
12 “Woe to him who builds a city with bloodshed
    and establishes a town by injustice!
13 Has not the Lord Almighty determined
    that the people’s labor is only fuel for the fire,
    that the nations exhaust themselves for nothing?
14 For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord
    as the waters cover the sea.
15 “Woe to him who gives drink to his neighbors,
    pouring it from the wineskin till they are drunk,
    so that he can gaze on their naked bodies!
16 You will be filled with shame instead of glory.
    Now it is your turn! Drink and let your nakedness be exposed[e]!
The cup from the Lord’s right hand is coming around to you,
    and disgrace will cover your glory.
17 The violence you have done to Lebanon will overwhelm you,
    and your destruction of animals will terrify you.
For you have shed human blood;
    you have destroyed lands and cities and everyone in them.
18 “Of what value is an idol carved by a craftsman?
    Or an image that teaches lies?
For the one who makes it trusts in his own creation;
    he makes idols that cannot speak.
19 Woe to him who says to wood, ‘Come to life!’
    Or to lifeless stone, ‘Wake up!’
Can it give guidance?
    It is covered with gold and silver;
    there is no breath in it.”
20 The Lord is in his holy temple;
    let all the earth be silent before him.


Monday, January 19, 2015

Who is Your Mother? Who is your Brother?

     White against black, black against white.  Islam against Christian and Christian against Islam. Father against son, daughter against Mother -in-law.  Democrat against Republican and on and on it goes. Once more, red state against blue state......the have's vs. the have-not's.
     It is called division, or apartnness from one another.  Can it be mended? Without a change of heart?  I don't think so, not in this lifetime and with a disparate thinking.  Charlie Hebdo? Did they bring terror on themselves because of their views? Or did they exercise their right to free speech in a country civilized enough like ours to tolerate different views?  Fomentation of anger and prejudices are boiling to the surface, not just in major issues, but in civil as well.  Civil issues of marriage and  sex and anti-discrimination laws  that are deeply personal are being weighed by the Supreme Court shortly and will determine where this nation is headed.     Equality is  at the very heart of all of these issues. We all want the same protections afforded by a government that is elected by it's people.  Problem is, there are too many issues to solve in a Democratic society with limited time and money for everyone to be satisfied to contentment.  Human history is filled with inequities and government's inabilities to meet them all.  Though our society is better than most of the three-quarters of the world facing repressions ( billions in China, thousands in Russia, another million or so in Korea and millions of persecuted Christians, Muslims and so forth, and Cuba our closest island neighbor, repressed for 50 years.)
     Christ said that we would always have the poor among us. So do we ignore them? No, we feed them.  Do we ignore the protests of people in this country, freely speaking their minds and jail them? No we listen and decide for ourselves if they are crackpots or serious. Do we ignore the basic rights of people who engender differences in sex? No we should not.  However there is a more excellent way.
     The Apostle Paul was mixed in every possible  kind of people there were in his day, no different than ours maybe even much more complicated  in some way in their societies. Temple prostitutes and idol worship and sacrifices of meat offerings to their God's daily.  Daily debates in the Aereoapagus or (Mars Hill to the Romans) a place where Philosophers and debaters stood daily thinking about issues of the day.
      Paul preached change. Of heart. Or Christ's ways not his own, nor the peoples. And still there was revolt from the Jews mostly because they were about to become less relevant.  The law could not do what Christ could do in men's hearts.
      The fruits of the Spirit : love, joy, peace, forebearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and last but not least.....self control.  These things when they are in abundance in a person's life makes change not just for the person but also for those around that sphere of influence in that person's life.  It will manifest itself and multiply itself to those who would seek change and it continues today.  It is not religion it is an encounter.......................

     I think we are on the verge or beginning edge of an explosive change. We see more and more violence up close and personal more than we would like to.  We feel threatened by idealogies we cannot fight but by military strength.  They are  violent and we hope it does not come any nearer to us and our way of life.   Do we need strength?  Yes.  Do we need hope? Yes.  What will we  put our hope in?   Again, Christ offers hope and a superior Kingdom though we wait for it patiently.  We suffer knowing what the human heart contains, murder, strife, thievery, doubt and the flip side is goodness.....................altogether.      

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Into The River Jordan: And out a flame of fire: Baptism

          John The Baptist, a wild man, preacher, and a Baptizer for the repentence and forgivness of sins ushered in the Kingdom of God, proclaiming the kingdom and the one who came after himself.  John  baptized Jesus the Son of God in the river Jordan and then the whole world changed.
     The kingdom of God appeared on the earth breaking into our sinful and very mortal lives proclaiming new life if we believe in God's only son.   Here was the lamb of God slain before the foundations of the earth was laid, walking out not his will, but his fathers.  And so must we who are called Christ---ians after the one who made it possible for this new life.   Indeed those who go  down into the water baptized in the name of Jesus are a new creation for Jesus said, "behold I make all things new."  New wine into new wine skins that is the work of the Holy Spirit given to us for power and for witness that Jesus was who he said he was.  There can be no middle ground and no gray areas for this belief and no debates that confuse and pit religion against religion and doctrine against doctrine or "endless debates" that the Apostle Paul came up against in his effort to establish what Jesus had given him personally on the way to Damascus.
     Taking up our cross and  following Christ is very personal, individual and necessary in pleasing him or we become as he said "not worthy of me."  So it is in the Baptism that we first learn to die to our self will when we go into his death and come up out of the water more alive than when we went into it.  Likewise it kicked off the ministry of Jesus and led him into the desert for 40 days and nights fasting for the will of God in him to be carried out in three short years.  In physical weakness but in spiritual strength Jesus overcame the Devil's temptations.  Petra the Greek for Peter the rock, in whom Jesus first laid eyes on and called from his boat and his life's work of fishing became indeed a fisher of men.  A different man, one of conviction, strength learned in his denial of Jesus three times and one who eventually did lay his life down for his Lord, all because of repentence and a baptism of fire or tongues of fire poured out on the day of Pentecost celebrating  the 50th day of the law given on Sinai after the Exodus.
     Baptism is real, the Holy Spirit is real, tangible, and our" helper" who leads into all truth, and testifies of Jesus.  So in Church look for the working of the Spirit through men who aptly and wisely lead by it, teaching and proclaiming still that Jesus is alive, the head of his body the Church.  Any other teachings denying the Father and the son or that Christ came in the flesh is another Gospel not to be believed.  Any denial of the Holy Spirit is also a denial of all that Christ died for.  It is unbeliefbaptism-9-728.jpg (728×546)

Friday, January 9, 2015

SAFE: Got a pat hand?

     Take the risk:  step out into the unknown and be surprised! You will never regret it!  What am I talking about?  The unexpected consequences of life. gamble, play a little poker or play the set hand and lose!/  Life is never what we expect it to be.  Like many of us, I play the safe hand and only a winner or so it seems.  That is until the unexpected comes waltzing into your life.  Something unknown. Something bigger than you or life itself.  I'm talking an Abraham experience.   Minding your own business and then WHAM!  God intervenes, makes himself known for the first time ever.  Mind bending!  Time warping! is real.  How?  It just happens and to the person who is seeking.  From the Old Testament we do not get a clear picture of just what it is that changes the course of Abram's life.  But in and instant it seems as if he is suddenly on a different course altered by something or someone who wishes to make himself known.  And to Abraham, it is life changing both to him and to those he will forever interact with. So it was with me.  I was a seeker and one who wished to know other things, not just the normal every day to day business of life here on this planet.  I was consumed by a quest to know the other....possibilities of my life....and I found it.  An eternal God who in the course of our finite history reveals plans that include  you and me.  How?  To the ones who seek, he answers, and reveals and begins wo weave into our life his very own plans for your life.  Sometimes I admit it is not easy to figure out, but nevertheless, he will guide an direct an individual to what is a good outcome.  You say Paul?  He was executed! Peter? Likewise he also.  But their stories prevail in a world of hoplessness and trouble, as examples of the faith of people who trusted in what they did not see.  And we are the better for it.  Those who have accepted the faith of Christ on his word alone will stand in the congregation of believers for all time and see their Lord.  This is not a myth. It a pat hand, true and pre-set.  We will have won the race set before us as Paul said and will win a crown of glory that awaits us.  Abraham set out from a large city. left relatives and journeyed to where he did not know.  And so will we.  If we trust.  l am about to embark on that type of journey myself....what it will be, I do not know, but I will trust in the one who leads me.....Jesus.  Maranatha

Monday, January 5, 2015

Too Late: Lift me up from the gates of Death: gangsta

splayed out on this table,

i really wish i was able

to tell u of the one

who's heart he finally won,

i am now the late, great

swallowed up by my own fate,

u be the one, 

to tell of the only 1

who's save is complete

who will never .....delete.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Train tracks run in more than one direction: and destructive words from a pulpit can harm the faithful.

11 Command and teach these things. 12 Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. 13 Until I come,devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture.

The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods,which God created.

 If you point these things out to the brothers and sisters,[a] you will be a good minister of Christ Jesus, nourished on the truths of the faith

     Years ago when I came upon a Small Christan group I believed in what they taught, simply because I could finally see that yes there was a day in the past when Pentecost and the pouring out of the Spirit of God actually happened and it still did.  However in my newness I came to believe everything out of the mouth of the Pastor was truth.  It was sadly not.  Yes there was great preaching but unfortunately the train tracks the fellowship was on was one-way only.  
   The vision was unshakeable and anything that was contrary to it was stampeded immediately and squashed.
     There were doctrines of error mixed with the Gospel of truth.  Dangerous as Paul pointed out to Timothy mentioned above.  Words from the pulpit to Christains require some "thought processes to be in place" when digesting it and our brains need not be checked at the door.  I was forbid to marry the one I was with when I found Christianity, for 5 years.  This need not happen and clearly Paul fought this very same mentality in the first century church. Why then do we?  Now I realize Paul was directing his preaching to those who abandoned the faith and had taken up teachings that were destructive but like anything, these had crept into the Church.  Timothy was a young man, tutored by Paul and gifted and  he was encouraged not to forsake the gifting received by the Prophecies spoken over him. Likewise when I was young I had experienced the Spirit of God for the first time and I had some Prophetic experiences not unlike those mentioned in the Gospels.  It was a normal experience for this to happen to those who believe.  However it ran "smack in the face" to the Pastor who said something to the effect, " that's pretty good for someone two-weeks-in -the-Lord!"  Sarcastic to say the least.  Another time I was helping and Elderly man and his wife in care and errands meeting their needs. This man had started 50 churches in his day and was well known and an Evangelistic "Giant" to use the term and a very humble man still interested in spreading the Gospel at 86 years of age.  In his day tracts were used and so I helped him print some of his "old time" tracts so he could distribute then when he wanted to.  Thing was...I offered to do it because he could no longer do it himself.  This also ran counter to the Pastor's wishes and it was terminated and the Pastor had to counsel the OLD MAN.!"  I was in the counsel session and it was to say the least, handled in an inappropriate way, chastising the older man.  And I was told not to help in any longer.  Why?  Again train, on the tracks on a one-way mission.  Anything that de-railed that train was opposed.  The man counseled, if one wishes to find out about his character was Stanley Hanby, who started preaching at 16, Near the original outpouring of the Spirit in Azuza, Ca. 1916!  This man was no neo-phyte.  One of his best messages I remember was on forgiveness.  

    Long story is with caution  and with wisdom in this day we live in that we receive a Gospel that is infused with the power of God still able to work in a very personal and mighty way, but we must be able to actively be involved and question authority when necessary and not to have a fear when doing so.  If ever a ministry is fearful of that, from it's congregation, then you can be sure that something needs to be looked at seriously.  Remember, Jesus said, that which is done in the darkness, will be revealed on the housetops, or in the light.

     With so many demoninations of Churches and so many messages being preached it is so easy to "Pick a Pastor" or find a seeker church that tickles the ears. Or in other words find a message we personally like.  Is it God? We have to know.  6560118_f520.jpg (520×358)
HanbySR-3.jpg (316×468)stanley r hanby

Thursday, January 1, 2015


 There is a time for everything,
 and a season for every activity under the heavens:

Another year has ended and with it we put behind us the things we have done, the things we have seen both the good and the bad.  2015 is here a space age number!  I remember the sixties song "in the year 2525 if man is still alive".......some 210 years to go for this to come to be and will we make it?   We will if we  can tame the aggressions of nations who choose to live outside the norms of the world's more civilized societies.  If not, wars and rumors of wars will be the prophetic words come to life.   They are a Biblical progression of events foretold and nothing God says is void or empty........ they will come.
     But we can rejoice that there is a heavenly plan even if some would deny it's possibilities by overlooking it as some old and ancient nonsense.  God is very much alive and active in our world.  Faith is the substance of things not seen.......the evidence of things hoped for.   We as Christians hold on to faith because of this very reason.  We can fail, we are mortal are weak, and we still need God to at times bolster our strength.  If we humble ourselves then God will do his best to redeem the times that are here.  The madness of nations, people, climactic events,  aren't they enough to make one consider..................our times?