Friday, January 9, 2015

SAFE: Got a pat hand?

     Take the risk:  step out into the unknown and be surprised! You will never regret it!  What am I talking about?  The unexpected consequences of life. gamble, play a little poker or play the set hand and lose!/  Life is never what we expect it to be.  Like many of us, I play the safe hand and only a winner or so it seems.  That is until the unexpected comes waltzing into your life.  Something unknown. Something bigger than you or life itself.  I'm talking an Abraham experience.   Minding your own business and then WHAM!  God intervenes, makes himself known for the first time ever.  Mind bending!  Time warping! is real.  How?  It just happens and to the person who is seeking.  From the Old Testament we do not get a clear picture of just what it is that changes the course of Abram's life.  But in and instant it seems as if he is suddenly on a different course altered by something or someone who wishes to make himself known.  And to Abraham, it is life changing both to him and to those he will forever interact with. So it was with me.  I was a seeker and one who wished to know other things, not just the normal every day to day business of life here on this planet.  I was consumed by a quest to know the other....possibilities of my life....and I found it.  An eternal God who in the course of our finite history reveals plans that include  you and me.  How?  To the ones who seek, he answers, and reveals and begins wo weave into our life his very own plans for your life.  Sometimes I admit it is not easy to figure out, but nevertheless, he will guide an direct an individual to what is a good outcome.  You say Paul?  He was executed! Peter? Likewise he also.  But their stories prevail in a world of hoplessness and trouble, as examples of the faith of people who trusted in what they did not see.  And we are the better for it.  Those who have accepted the faith of Christ on his word alone will stand in the congregation of believers for all time and see their Lord.  This is not a myth. It a pat hand, true and pre-set.  We will have won the race set before us as Paul said and will win a crown of glory that awaits us.  Abraham set out from a large city. left relatives and journeyed to where he did not know.  And so will we.  If we trust.  l am about to embark on that type of journey myself....what it will be, I do not know, but I will trust in the one who leads me.....Jesus.  Maranatha

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