Thursday, January 22, 2015

Can children have toys and not play with them?

          The discussion for a non-nuclear Iran goes on and on.  Is their intent peace and energy as they say? Or is it deception, hiding in plain sight?  Wisdom is required.  I am a child of the sixties, born during the Eisenhower administration, double nickel, smack in the middle of the 50's.  I remember the symbols of nuclear radiation and bomb shelters, and hiding drills in school unders our flimsy desks.  I remember the "Salt" treaties and the rush to eliminate the hard weapons of Armageddon we had amassed during the cold war era.  I took for granted that those who survived and took part in the World wars l and ll were wiser that I and we just followed their instructions. I was also alarmed at the Vietnam war and wanted peace. My father was a lifer  in the Marine Corp, and  a figure I opposed.  I have listened to those of the Jewish Holocaust who survived tell of the atrocities inflicted on them by other "human beings", a nation led by  an insane individual, much like the past figure of Antiochus Epiphanes, the Selecid King who wiped out the Jews of his day.  And I think to my self, we still have this destructible ability within nations that are unstable and will they use  them?? (like  chldren who play with their toys?_ God forbid.  And so I will evaluate the next Presidential election carefully to see who is able to hold the awesome power of that office and will they be a man or woman of wisdom?  
     Someone too young may not have the wisdom, Someone too inexperienced, not able, someone to right wing may be too much of a hawk, and someone too "doveish" may be misled by those in other nations hardened by centuries of warfare and used to deceptive techniques.  A hard choice.
    I think the nation of Israel will help to balance the scales. They have much to protect, they have much experience and can read the ripples on the water.  We should not alienate them, or listen to those who would "push them into the sea". Even though they talk peace...............ISIS, Boko Haram, Al Queda, Iran, Korea,
Yemen, all hot spots and breeding ground for terror.  Isolationism., once the foreign policy choice, probably is not the way to go anymore.
     Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, so very young to hold office of the President.  Kennedy was also young but War experienced and held of Kruschev.  Do their ambitions exceed their experience?  I think so, power must be intoxicating.  And they are close to it everyday.
     Clinton, Bush...repeats but, they are already surrounded by people with connections, possible wisdom and counsels that would fair better than a total re-work of government by nubies.
       So beware those whose words drip like honey...............peace from the Persians?  Maybe from their citizens but not their government.  Peace from the Palestinians? same................Abbas is circumventing the WORLD STAGE>.

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