Wednesday, June 8, 2016

"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?'

     One of the greatest fears that man can have is the fear of death.  What happens after we leave our home we have lived on for 70, 80, 0r even 90 years?  That is the mystery that everyone should know about!  And many hold on to life whether grudginly in poor health or happy in wealth and plenty and good health.  We all go the same route but.....we are afraid to leave this earth and body that houses our life's essense.  Jesus told his disciples not to be afraid of those who kill the body but rather the one who can kill the body and the soul, and throw it ito hell.  Yikes!  So there it is, the sting of the true death, the second one after the body is no longer able to sustain it, and the destruction of all that we were in this life separated from any kind of salvation.  Now this is not to be construed as fire and brimstone preaching but I believe that Jesus wanted us to know the truth so we could make decisions.
    Now getting back to the sparrows.... Jesus said not one of them would fall to the ground outside of the Father's care.  So he is very instructive in the nature of the loving grace of his Father.  Read further down in the passage from Matthew and you will see that he warns those who disown him before others then, "I will disown them befor my Father."
     And vice versa whoever acknowledges Jesus before men, I will ackowledge before my Father.  Very clear.
    The Revelation of who he is and what he can do either for us or not, is a weighty matter for us to consider in relationship to him.  It is not a matter of religion or religious activity. It is the matter of the free will rejection of the revelation of the SON who was sent with purpose for all mankind...inclusive for all races, tribes and nations.
    So where are you going to go?  I don't relish the time to come when death overcomes this body but I pray that when it does, I can sense the other side with joy and the greeting of Angels, family and the Lord in  my body as it goes.

    P.S.  In case you missed it a penny is not very valued in our culture, and so sparrows are equated as of not much value.  But in God's eyes very highly esteemed.

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