Friday, June 24, 2016


     Okay, lets pull that mask off and get down to brass tacks. Who and what exactly is the being called Satan?  And what is the anti Christ?  And finally who are the true believers that will at all costs follow their Lord and die daily for him?  Let's be clear it is soooo much bigger than religious gatherings to fill a self desire for spirituality or have a nice and clean life filled with nice songs, nice playgrounds for our kids or any thing of the kind.  It is warfare. We are the ones who know our enemy. Yes we have an enemy look around at our world and open your eyes.
     First who is our God?  He is the one true God of the Hebrews revealed for all time and all generations a kinsman redeemer for our souls.  He is the one who saves.  From what you ask?  For one death.  And from the fallen state we we find ourselves in.  Do not be deceived, we are all in that kind of state the moment we are born. Like it or not.   Innocent we are not.  We were born into a bondage, and to a hard task master who would love to remain invisible and  continue to be a myth.
     If you believe that then he has won over you and you have no power to resist.  Jesus said to his disciples, beware the one who can cast soul and body into Hell or destroy the soul and body.  And who is the Anti Christ?  Any one who is against Christ and anything he stands for.  That being life eternal, joy, peace, forbearance, charity, selflessness, love, and bearing one anothers burdens.  Satan is for death, lying, deception, captivity, bondage, hatred, dominion, and to separate you from a God who wants you in his kingdom instead of Satans.
      I have witnessed personally those who have been so totally taken over with darkness  that they self loath themselves and anyone else to the point of such hatred that killing is relief for them and they think for others as well.  Where does this come from?  This twisted nature so inner entwinned with confusion and delusion that they cannot see clearly at all. And this is the nature of Anti....against life and Christ himself.  When Peter heard that his lord was to die, Peter said. No LORD,,,and Jesus said Satan get thee behind me!  Really?  Peter at that moment was allied with the anti mentality and against what Jesus had to accomplish for all Humanity for all time.  That's why Jesus had to rebuke him.  And so we live daily in a world that is not and cannot be for God.  Unless there is change from within, and that must come from God himself, drawing the spirit within and then adding his own in the form of the Holy Spirit to keep you safe and become his own peculiar possession.  Yes we are not our own when we surrender to Christ.  For now he lives in us and we now have new eyes and a new heart to perceive all that is going down.........Friend this is not arrogance or a preaching fire and brimstone message, just the truth of the way things are.
     This being called Satan, truly we cannot see with eyes but we can see what he has wrought among us.  Jesus said he was a liar and a thief from the beginning....Genesis.  he stole you and others to have dominion over. Jesus is our Kinsman reedemer.  Religion does not do it, going to Church does not necessarily do it either, crystals, astrology, chanting or meditating.   You must personally know beyond doubt who God is and what he requires OF YOU OH MAN...believe it, God wants you to know who he is.  He wants communion with his creation, he wants to fulfill in you all that his son was and did and showed while here on Earth.  Mercy triumphs over judgement.........That is his nature. Peace.

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