Sunday, March 26, 2017

What is God Like?

    The place where I go to work everyday is near the foothills of Manitou Springs, that leads up to a fourteener, Pikes Peak mountain.  Over and across the street from my workplace is a gentle and tree'd hillside, populated with evergreens and low-lying shrubs and grassy knolls.   This is where from time to time I imagine Christ standing getting ready to teach the multitudes of followers, The Beattitudes.  There is enough room I think to accommodate the thousands that want to hear what he is about to teach them.
     So what is God like?.......The Beattitudes, I think are some of the most if not the most, beautiful words ever spoken and recorded.  They sum up the exact character of God, expressing a love that is profound and richly deep with hope sewn up in them for those who are poor, broken-hearted, meek, and pure.  These words spoken are words that bind up, lift up, and mend the deep parts of our souls that are damaged while progressing through this world in our lives while enduring harsh, unfair, at times hateful and harmful conditions heaped upon us by others that seem to have no hearts at all.  This world is under a task master.  And we are deceived. So says the one who liberated so many in his day, by words spoken with the authority of the almighty.
  These were not "merely" words.  They were a "substance", created and originating from a place (heavenly) that functioned quite a bit differently from the one we live in.  In that place   this word, that created that substance became true and everything else was not.  That is why statements like, "let your yes be yes and your no be no," be succinct and all in all.  Otherwise as The scriptures teach, everything else comes from below and is evil.  ?????? Get that.  It is important.
      "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word out of the mouth of God."  We were meant to live by, breath by, and abide by those words. It is life for us in the midst of many words that do nothing but confuse.  Teachings that go beyond what the stated scriptures profess often lead to doctrines that lead to division and dispute.
     So What is God like?
                                                            Blessed are the poor, in spirit,
                                                             for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
                                                            Blessed are those who mourn,
                                                             for they will be comforted.
                                                            Blessed are the meek,
                                                             for they will inherit the Earth
                                                            Blessed are those who hunger and
                                                             thirst for righteousness,
                                                            for they will be filled.
                                                             Blessed are the merciful,
                                                            for they will be shown mercy.
                                                           Blessed are the pure in heart,
                                                            for they will see God.
                                                           Blessed are the peacemakers,
                                                          for they will be called the sons of God.
                                                            Blessed are those who are persecuted,
                                                           because of righteousness,
                                                             for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.........
     and the rest of those words are for those who are insulted, persecuted, and have false witness borne against them because of Christ.     So know any one like these?  Are you one?  If so, take heart. There is a world out there that is coming apart faster than it is being put together.  NOT unlike in the times of Christ and the Roman empire.  Justice is twisted, war is rampant, those who are elevated to  immense power seemingly overnight from out of nowhere and are undeserving of it run over those with little power, like a bulldozer.  So we look at the one who is savior (some say why do we need one?) The evidence is clear.  Again take heart, for all the things you go through, he went through and more so. So that you could live by words of substance....created in a place beyond ours and a place that works justice and healing, and wisdom.   Just look at the Son and you will see God.   Don't be tempted, drawn into teachings that promise what the Scriptures do not teach. Don't be divided by doctrines that eliminate, insulate, elevate, people and things that the scriptures do not teach.  Do you give out of guilt or pressure because it is taught to you?  Do you expect bounty from heaven, perfect jobs, lives, wives, children and a prosperity here on this earth that is Governed by the one who tempted Christ with exactly these same things?  Then beware, these are not the words of God.  If anything ,those who followed him were executed, hung, tortured, and thrown in prison for being counterculture to their time.  We are no different and the one who rules does not want you to leave his kingdom.     So be blessed and take what Christ offered.  Resurrection day is ahead.........and his word is substance, faith filled and able to keep you to the end of anything. If you fall he will lift you. And if he is for you, who can be against you? Peace.


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Dad is it done yet?

 "Dad is it done yet?

 "No, not yet."

"It looks done."

 "Oh, no, there's so much more to do."

"When will they come?"

 " Soon."

" How will you know, and how many?"

"Oh, you will know all right and all of these you see and so many more you cannot, will come when the time is right.  Just wait."  "

"But, what about all our friends and all those out there who everyday make fun of you and us for doing this?" "

"I warned them over and over for  a hundred years, they are responsible for their own decisions."

  "But I don't want to be alone."

"Don't worry son, all things will be new, he said so."
 "And you believe him?  Everyone laughs at us and has done so for so long and even I am doubtful now."

"I know, it's hard but you must take this stand with me.  You and your brothers and sisters must believe.  It's going to come soon and fast.  Just know I love you and he loves us even more, to do this terrible thing, and yet save us.  Look around, see all the things they do, what has become of men?  They are vile, liars, greedy, killers, they slander and are incestuous.  Are these the friends you want to be with?"

"No, I just don't know what will happen."

"When everything is swept away like the LOrd said.  All things will be new. When all this is gone, then comes the newness, again.  And we will have our peace."

Sunday, March 12, 2017

The Trouble With Man; Pride of Life

     " That men loved darkness more than the light.........
     We have been fed a great lie, that we are independent, able to reach our destiny, can do anything we set our minds to and achieve a greatness in our society that many say is our rightful inheritance.   Wrong.  Why then are so many unhappy when the sights set on have finally been achieved? The pride of life gets in the way blocks our vision and leads back to death.  It is inevitable, there is no other way for life but one way, and that greatest of achievements was accomplished many years ago.
     The greatest display of power ever and I mean ever was done in a simple man,(he was anything but simple) the Son of God who   gave his life for ours. The problem we face is the acceptance of that fact and how to gain our rightful inheritance and  not a material one.
     From our earliest days we begin to believe a lie embedded in our society, families, and our own nature that we alone are responsible for our future and what we do with it.  So in essence we begin to "build of a wall of great defense" a bulwark against anything and any one who opposes that goal.  "We can do anything....."  
    We go it alone, abandon God, ( even if we believe there is one) or that he is could he be? Letting wars, ravish this world, killings done with abandon, Political shenanigans and the list goes on and on.
     The great key that unlocks everything for freedom has been given us.  Only it's not what many want to take to unlock their personal prison.  
I was one of those.   My pride was ,  "I'm not a sinner!"  I don't do what I consider bad or evil or and of such things that I need a redeemer.  Who is that anyway?

      At 24 I found out.  He got ahold of me and hasn't let me go.  And the very thing I had sought for was revealed by the simplest of methods we know and sometimes disdain...preaching.  But preaching has to be backed up by truth and a witness that someone or something is behind it all giving witness to  that truth and that was that someone else took my place in death to free me from all and I mean all that was wrong and twisted and all that was going to be wrong for the rest of my life.  This pride was suddenly and very quickly squashed and a new humility replaced it. But it was squashed lovingly.  At that moment we call conversion the light was on in a dark place, and the walking began with the one who had the keys of hades and death, the one who led captivity, captive, and the one who still today is alive wooing all those who are confused, unhappy, unfulfilled, miserable or just plain empty inside for what ever the reason.  I does not matter we, were made for eternity, not 70 years and then Pffttttt! no more!  
     So resurrection of this body is coming and so is the Lord.....Consider the Transfiguration, witnessed by the few who stood by and Jesus was revealed in all of his glory as who he truly was.  "If today you hear is voice, harden not your hearts." Yes we are saturated with the Gospel and deceived by many who preach it out of personal gain, status, or fakery but as Paul said at least Christ is preached.  Just get to the place where it rings true and those who live it are the true believers.  "By the fruit..........and nothing else. Pride is always a threat that leads to a fall.  Who right now do you know that has the greatest of pride, where is it on display?  I can name one........can you?


Sunday, March 5, 2017

To What End Were We Born?

     In the scriptures our life span is likened to that of a blade of grass.  It quickly withers dies and goes away.  Not to say our lives are meaningless or of little value.  But we are endowed with a spirit within that seeks the eternal, even though is seems as if it slips through our hands quickly.
    Those who take the stand that there is more to our life than a mere 70-80 years we are here are correct.  Christians are among those who believe that a resurrection will occur at the end of this life and when we obey faithfully the commands set forth by our Lord, Jesus, we will be like him.  For he is the "firstborn from the dead."  And we too must come to the end and then rise, like he did.
     This puts us in a frame of mind to faithfully live out our lives as people who are filled with love, serve others, humble ourselves and re-think our way of living to best fulfill that command.
     After the Israelites, crossed over the Jordan, after forty years of wandering, laws were set forth for just this kind of living.  A blessing for those who lived accordingly and a curse for those who did not.
     Christ did not do away with the law, just legalism, that was highly developed and embraced by certain high sects within Jewish life.  The letter killed while the Spirit gave life.  This life we have so shorten by God's decree because of disobedience beckons us to find out how to live it to the fullest while here, and it is a battle.  Satan stands at times before God and accuses us before him like Job, and we can and do overcome that by the word of our testimony and the blood of the lamb.  (Slain before the foundation of our world ) we will live again....what wonders await us?  One can only dream.  We look at the abundant beauty of what's left around us in our natural surroundings and see only dimly what must have been before.  For those who do not think climate change is important only need look at what has been lost in the last 50 years of  our life span. Species lost and melt off from Antarctica and pollution in cities of Shanghai, and Beijing so thick it sometimes resembles a thick fog.
     Yet we still must find ourselves and our lives liveable and find out "To what end were we born?" In that sense it is urgent to seek the one who has the answers.  Peace.