Sunday, March 26, 2017

What is God Like?

    The place where I go to work everyday is near the foothills of Manitou Springs, that leads up to a fourteener, Pikes Peak mountain.  Over and across the street from my workplace is a gentle and tree'd hillside, populated with evergreens and low-lying shrubs and grassy knolls.   This is where from time to time I imagine Christ standing getting ready to teach the multitudes of followers, The Beattitudes.  There is enough room I think to accommodate the thousands that want to hear what he is about to teach them.
     So what is God like?.......The Beattitudes, I think are some of the most if not the most, beautiful words ever spoken and recorded.  They sum up the exact character of God, expressing a love that is profound and richly deep with hope sewn up in them for those who are poor, broken-hearted, meek, and pure.  These words spoken are words that bind up, lift up, and mend the deep parts of our souls that are damaged while progressing through this world in our lives while enduring harsh, unfair, at times hateful and harmful conditions heaped upon us by others that seem to have no hearts at all.  This world is under a task master.  And we are deceived. So says the one who liberated so many in his day, by words spoken with the authority of the almighty.
  These were not "merely" words.  They were a "substance", created and originating from a place (heavenly) that functioned quite a bit differently from the one we live in.  In that place   this word, that created that substance became true and everything else was not.  That is why statements like, "let your yes be yes and your no be no," be succinct and all in all.  Otherwise as The scriptures teach, everything else comes from below and is evil.  ?????? Get that.  It is important.
      "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word out of the mouth of God."  We were meant to live by, breath by, and abide by those words. It is life for us in the midst of many words that do nothing but confuse.  Teachings that go beyond what the stated scriptures profess often lead to doctrines that lead to division and dispute.
     So What is God like?
                                                            Blessed are the poor, in spirit,
                                                             for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
                                                            Blessed are those who mourn,
                                                             for they will be comforted.
                                                            Blessed are the meek,
                                                             for they will inherit the Earth
                                                            Blessed are those who hunger and
                                                             thirst for righteousness,
                                                            for they will be filled.
                                                             Blessed are the merciful,
                                                            for they will be shown mercy.
                                                           Blessed are the pure in heart,
                                                            for they will see God.
                                                           Blessed are the peacemakers,
                                                          for they will be called the sons of God.
                                                            Blessed are those who are persecuted,
                                                           because of righteousness,
                                                             for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.........
     and the rest of those words are for those who are insulted, persecuted, and have false witness borne against them because of Christ.     So know any one like these?  Are you one?  If so, take heart. There is a world out there that is coming apart faster than it is being put together.  NOT unlike in the times of Christ and the Roman empire.  Justice is twisted, war is rampant, those who are elevated to  immense power seemingly overnight from out of nowhere and are undeserving of it run over those with little power, like a bulldozer.  So we look at the one who is savior (some say why do we need one?) The evidence is clear.  Again take heart, for all the things you go through, he went through and more so. So that you could live by words of substance....created in a place beyond ours and a place that works justice and healing, and wisdom.   Just look at the Son and you will see God.   Don't be tempted, drawn into teachings that promise what the Scriptures do not teach. Don't be divided by doctrines that eliminate, insulate, elevate, people and things that the scriptures do not teach.  Do you give out of guilt or pressure because it is taught to you?  Do you expect bounty from heaven, perfect jobs, lives, wives, children and a prosperity here on this earth that is Governed by the one who tempted Christ with exactly these same things?  Then beware, these are not the words of God.  If anything ,those who followed him were executed, hung, tortured, and thrown in prison for being counterculture to their time.  We are no different and the one who rules does not want you to leave his kingdom.     So be blessed and take what Christ offered.  Resurrection day is ahead.........and his word is substance, faith filled and able to keep you to the end of anything. If you fall he will lift you. And if he is for you, who can be against you? Peace.


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