Sunday, March 5, 2017

To What End Were We Born?

     In the scriptures our life span is likened to that of a blade of grass.  It quickly withers dies and goes away.  Not to say our lives are meaningless or of little value.  But we are endowed with a spirit within that seeks the eternal, even though is seems as if it slips through our hands quickly.
    Those who take the stand that there is more to our life than a mere 70-80 years we are here are correct.  Christians are among those who believe that a resurrection will occur at the end of this life and when we obey faithfully the commands set forth by our Lord, Jesus, we will be like him.  For he is the "firstborn from the dead."  And we too must come to the end and then rise, like he did.
     This puts us in a frame of mind to faithfully live out our lives as people who are filled with love, serve others, humble ourselves and re-think our way of living to best fulfill that command.
     After the Israelites, crossed over the Jordan, after forty years of wandering, laws were set forth for just this kind of living.  A blessing for those who lived accordingly and a curse for those who did not.
     Christ did not do away with the law, just legalism, that was highly developed and embraced by certain high sects within Jewish life.  The letter killed while the Spirit gave life.  This life we have so shorten by God's decree because of disobedience beckons us to find out how to live it to the fullest while here, and it is a battle.  Satan stands at times before God and accuses us before him like Job, and we can and do overcome that by the word of our testimony and the blood of the lamb.  (Slain before the foundation of our world ) we will live again....what wonders await us?  One can only dream.  We look at the abundant beauty of what's left around us in our natural surroundings and see only dimly what must have been before.  For those who do not think climate change is important only need look at what has been lost in the last 50 years of  our life span. Species lost and melt off from Antarctica and pollution in cities of Shanghai, and Beijing so thick it sometimes resembles a thick fog.
     Yet we still must find ourselves and our lives liveable and find out "To what end were we born?" In that sense it is urgent to seek the one who has the answers.  Peace.

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