Sunday, March 12, 2017

The Trouble With Man; Pride of Life

     " That men loved darkness more than the light.........
     We have been fed a great lie, that we are independent, able to reach our destiny, can do anything we set our minds to and achieve a greatness in our society that many say is our rightful inheritance.   Wrong.  Why then are so many unhappy when the sights set on have finally been achieved? The pride of life gets in the way blocks our vision and leads back to death.  It is inevitable, there is no other way for life but one way, and that greatest of achievements was accomplished many years ago.
     The greatest display of power ever and I mean ever was done in a simple man,(he was anything but simple) the Son of God who   gave his life for ours. The problem we face is the acceptance of that fact and how to gain our rightful inheritance and  not a material one.
     From our earliest days we begin to believe a lie embedded in our society, families, and our own nature that we alone are responsible for our future and what we do with it.  So in essence we begin to "build of a wall of great defense" a bulwark against anything and any one who opposes that goal.  "We can do anything....."  
    We go it alone, abandon God, ( even if we believe there is one) or that he is could he be? Letting wars, ravish this world, killings done with abandon, Political shenanigans and the list goes on and on.
     The great key that unlocks everything for freedom has been given us.  Only it's not what many want to take to unlock their personal prison.  
I was one of those.   My pride was ,  "I'm not a sinner!"  I don't do what I consider bad or evil or and of such things that I need a redeemer.  Who is that anyway?

      At 24 I found out.  He got ahold of me and hasn't let me go.  And the very thing I had sought for was revealed by the simplest of methods we know and sometimes disdain...preaching.  But preaching has to be backed up by truth and a witness that someone or something is behind it all giving witness to  that truth and that was that someone else took my place in death to free me from all and I mean all that was wrong and twisted and all that was going to be wrong for the rest of my life.  This pride was suddenly and very quickly squashed and a new humility replaced it. But it was squashed lovingly.  At that moment we call conversion the light was on in a dark place, and the walking began with the one who had the keys of hades and death, the one who led captivity, captive, and the one who still today is alive wooing all those who are confused, unhappy, unfulfilled, miserable or just plain empty inside for what ever the reason.  I does not matter we, were made for eternity, not 70 years and then Pffttttt! no more!  
     So resurrection of this body is coming and so is the Lord.....Consider the Transfiguration, witnessed by the few who stood by and Jesus was revealed in all of his glory as who he truly was.  "If today you hear is voice, harden not your hearts." Yes we are saturated with the Gospel and deceived by many who preach it out of personal gain, status, or fakery but as Paul said at least Christ is preached.  Just get to the place where it rings true and those who live it are the true believers.  "By the fruit..........and nothing else. Pride is always a threat that leads to a fall.  Who right now do you know that has the greatest of pride, where is it on display?  I can name one........can you?


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