Monday, April 29, 2013

Counter culture: lightness of being

  Everything Jesus did he seemed to do with and ease and an absence of weight and anxiety.  To those who worried about daily things, what do we eat? What do we do?  Where will we get money to pay for the food to feed 5,000 people?  To those who asked him these questions...he simply replied, a sparrow does not fall to the ground without your heavenly Father seeing it.  The lilies of the field neither "toil or spin" yet even Solomon was not dressed like these.   Jesus was trying to get them to think on another plane of reality.  A plane that took their eyes off of the natural worries and set them on a heavenly course.
    In Genesis the Garden we were put into must have been absolutely beautiful. If we can open our eyes and still behold today the beauty that still surrounds us even in our terrorized state of things, then we can see the reflection of God himself.
     Try walking out the door today, stop take a breath of fresh air, hear the birds early in the morning sing with their song of praise, each unique in their own way then go to work and thank God there is a way to look at things, take the weight off and trust him for your life and possessions, and family.  On your journey take nothing with you "scrip and or baggage" feel the lightness of the journey. In other words let God be God and let him help you think a different way today.  Breathe.

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