Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Stormy weather: First Port in a Storm?

     A sailor sets off to a destination across a vast ocean in hopes for an adventure of his life.  The weather is calm the sea is like glass and the sky is as  blue as can be.  Distance seems like nothing as the ship sails effortlessly across the miles of ocean.  Nothing diminishes the joy in his heart.
     Then without warning storm clouds develop, waves batter the small vessel and lightening strikes out across the ocean threatening to sink the tiny ship.  The sailor panics checks his compass and steers towards the first island on his map, an island called heath-en.  Known for it's wild ways and a people not necessarily nice and easy to get along with.   Also on the map is an island called mor-al slightly further in distance but widely known for it's people of kindness and strength, a people willing to take chances with others and known for hospitality and forbearing.
     First port in a storm?  Is this you?  Are we afraid  today, forced to make choices that may not be the best? Pause, take a rest, look at the surroundings and check out the choices before you.  Riding the storm may be the best choice after all.  The shortest distance may not be best after all.  Sometimes we are in it for the long haul and we must be like marathoners and run past the pain, just enough until the endorphins kick in!                 Or until we receive our help from one who is stronger than we are.
     "The Lord he is my strong tower, my rock in time of refuge.  This is how King David saw his Lord. He hid in caves, away from his city and away from his people choosing to take the long road until the timing was right.  Anointed King as a young man, he didn't take kingship until many years later.  Battles raged around him yet he remained true.   Wait upon the Lord and see where he takes you.

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