Friday, April 5, 2013

Planted? or are you a Pilgrim?

Are you in any way betrayed by your heart?  Are you wondering if you were made for something or someplace very different from where you are right now?  If so then I have news.  Those of us that have made Jesus Lord and savior are pilgrims, passing through this present time living in a very different reality from many others daily along side of you.  We have  gone from darkness into light.  This means that the laws we face are very different now than before we turned our lives over to Christ.  We now know that we are also partakers of the grace that Christ himself won for us on the behalf of the cross he bore.  No longer slave to sin and death we crossed from death into life.  But what of these new laws? Or graces?  When I was young I was a watcher and I always mentally placed myself in other's shoes wondering what others felt like.. I always seemed to come up short and dismayed that I felt different and not exactly part of the things around me.  Sort of like a well, a... pilgrim.  A traveler going somewhere but not knowing where exactly.  I never really fit in in parties, social events, or in crowds so to speak and so felt a certain disconnect.
     It wasn't until later or my late twenties that I started searching for this feeling to be born out and I discovered that there were finally others that felt as I.  These were other Christians that had already made the pilgrimage and shared it with me.  What I found was indeed true...there was another alternate reality along side of the one I had lived for the two and a half decades of my life.  Another kingdom that was eternal not easily seen by the eyes but very much felt by my spirit and born witness to by the many other Christian's I have met along the way.  Fellow travelers all on a personal journey to "apprehend that which they were apprehended for" as Paul wrote.  An organic living body of people working out their salvation with fear and trembling as now do I.  These laws of the kingdom of God transcend anything here seen by the natural eye.  For it says, "No eye has seen nor ear has heard what God has prepared for those who love him."  I know this though, the daily living here and now pales before what is to come.  All of the pain,coupled with life's misunderstandings, and the travail of world events gone haywire will be eventually explained.   There are also joy's to our life here and now greatly enriched by the knowledge of what  awaits us.  For it it a season now in the natural and then the Son's of God will be revealed and will  be a new creation as we are already are in a world that we will no longer be a pilgrims.  "Those the Son has set free, are free indeed."
     What are these new laws that exist for us?  Freedom from addictions, lust's pride, keeping up with the Joneses or striving, greed, envy and many other things that have been broken down by Christ's atonement for us. We now enjoy freedom as Christ intended though not yet fully perfected we are able to comprehend and enjoy better way of life than before.  Test him and see for yourself...he is good.

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