Sunday, April 21, 2013

Desperation:What are our limits?

     What have you ever been faced with that pushes your limits? What has stopped you in your tracks and made you want to get off the merry-go-round?  If you have been in this place and looked deeper within your self first before doing something outrageous, then there is hope.  If you have lost jobs, been homeless and without some immediate recourse then you will have experienced the limits of your abilities in this world you live in.  If also you have done all to survive within the confines of what there is to offer you then still face serious situations then you will know the limits of your abilities right away.  If exposed to this situation for a prolonged period to time then perhaps an oppressive feeling overtakes you and begins to alter your thinking.  In times like these and if there is no one to help, then our thinking may not be clear.
     What if there was one who was able to know what you were going through with out the slightest doubt...knew that you could make it through that time in your life?  Would you listen?
     I have been in that place and I have trusted one who could get me through.  Jesus.
     "The Son of Man has no where to lay his head..."  was a comment made to one of his followers.  Unusual comment?  Yes and it was the truth.  Born in humility, not of wealth or fame, riding on a donkey and beaten without recognition in his own land and finally betrayed by a friend... he knew my frailties.  
     It wasn't until I completely let all my inner most fears leave me and let him lead in a certain peace that is not always easy to attain that I began to see a way out of my troubles. And it is not always in the way we expect.  Most of the time it is by grace of others he your path!  If you can be in a place to receive help in that time and not let the pride of life get in the way then you will see how God works.
   Have you ever caught sight of a person stealing food just for a meal?  I have and it hurts.  My first thought is not that but...Why not help yourself...get a job do something?  What do I know of that person's life at that moment?  Instead have mercy and find Jesus in that time of your life.  You won't be disappointed.

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