Monday, September 29, 2014

What The Devil Really Wants: To cut short...YOU

     We know there is good and evil in this world.  We see it every day play out before our eyes.  More frequently though we  see the evil in the events of the world close enough to us to sicken us daily.  So what does this mean?  And who is behind this? If you are willing to  believe it , it is spritual warfare.  If we are to believe in a God who is for us and not against us but rather against our sin nature (that which we have fallen into by that one decision made in the beginning) then we must also believe there is one who was cast out ( one whom Jesus saw fall like lightening) and fell to this earthly kingdom.  Sound like science fiction? It  Could be a great movie nowadays. Think Marvel!  CG could do great things with this story and hopefully not pervert it like the recent movie, Noah.  And what is the intent of this being but to control the very human spirits and have them be blinded not only to himself but to God.  In the struggle for good over evil we have seen the story played out and we can know the one who overcame the devil by humility and grace and the power of the cross.
     Looking back to the birth of this one we see that the promise was sought out very early even in infancy and King Herod who feared this Messiah tried to cut short his life by killing all of the male new borns.
   It is hard to fathom, but I have met the elderly who have lived their entire lives into their  eighties and know nothing of the Christian heritage nor of the salvation of a personal God who does infact care for them.  How can this be, in a country filled with Churches saturated with the Gospel?  We can be blinded, busy, uncaring or just unbelieving and miss the promise. How can we not care what our eternity holds?  Simple, we are re-directed and hoodwinked into beliving a story too fairy-tale like to be true.  We of course are too wise!
     Too modern to hold to such primitive thoughts!  Didn't Paul of Tarsus meet those on Mar Hill, Philosophers, thinkers and the wise who also knew nothing of the Christian God?  Yes and even some wanted to hear more of "this preaching" that he did.
     There is no other way to  receive this promise other than "by hearing the word" and being filled anew with the Spirit of God.  So if we are ever to believe in God, you better belive in the Devil also, because he is the one who is out to keep you from the knowledge of God and the power over sin and the Devil himself.  Keep us in the dark, or have us believe in anything but the truth.   In essence to cut off your mind and Spirit from the eternity that is the rightful inheritance for you.  He does it every day by violence, mis-direction, lies, keeping you "happy" with the kingdom of this world and it's goods, material wealth if possible.  
  Remember, he tempted Jesus on top of a great high wall and showed him all the kingdoms that could be his if worship    me........................God already had the Kingdoms and everything else but you!    man-listening-hand-to-ear.jpg (250×310)Can u hear the still small voice?

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