Thursday, April 2, 2015

31 Now is the time for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world will be driven out.

     These words are the words spoken by Jesus just before his crucifixion was to take place.  Judas had just partaken of a meal with his fellow disciples and now is on the verge of betraying Jesus.
                                                         The battle is on!
    For Jesus  the hour is about to take place and his suffering on the cross is about to bring in redemption and a reconciling to God for the whole Earth's population.  The short three year ministry of his performing miracles, teaching and feeding thousands and showing untold mercies to those with sicknesses and maladies are at an end.  To the those who saw and believed him they became "witnesses" and continued on the ministry in the new power of the HOLY SPIRIT.  The Prince of the world (The DEVIL) was defeated by the shed blood of our begs the question........what is happening in our world today?

     Down through the ages the Christian movement has produced countless champions of faith, changed the course of history and while doing so brought in a mulitdude of new Christians with it and it's ideas as well.  Moralities have been embraced and the course of many,many lives have been changed by this humble man endowed with the Spirit of God himself and was God incarnate, Immanuel with us.
     Along with this move of greatness, and growing along side of it are the "tares" those nasty little things that won't go away. Seeds of doubt, selfcenteredness, and lawlessness within all those who don't even notice it on a day to day basis.  We are involved in a major showdown, a tremendous Football game, if  you will, that requires the long game approach by those who are in it to win.  And I mean us, those who believe in the one who has already driven the Prince of this world out!!! Why then is there still a fight??? If indeed he has been defeated 2000 years ago? It is because of a very simple and profound belief....if you do not believe it then it has no place in the average person and the Prince will continue to reign as evidenced by the tides that are raging and changing the nature of our Democracy. Right in front of our eyes.  
     Men that are born men, no longer have to be that, and can be a woman if they want to. A new and "third"gender neither male nor female is emerging and has no natural drawing to either male or female.  New religious laws are beginning to appear in various states across this country in the effort to stem legally and with law and protect those who do not wish to do business with "others" of a different nature other than their own..and could backfire for Christians as well.  Law cannot in a democracy such as ours protect all and every nature of man we can and do reflect.  While we strive for balance and" equality for all" it cannot I think be legislated.  It is deeper than that.  It is in the Depth of Christ and all of his teachings for us that begins in the human heart where the change must take place.  And so the battle rages, The Devil know this and though he has been defeated,  it's like using a handyman's tools for instance,,,,"The right tool for the right job"
      We have forsaken the actual power that has been granted to us  The Holy Spirit" and our "advocate" the one who has sought to bring to our rememberance Christ and all that he did.  \
     That conviction that he brings is the true engine of change, the one that tore off the scales of Paul's eyes and allowed him to see Jesus for the very first time and become a mighty engine for change in his time.

      The Church is down, the enemy is on the 20 yard line and ready to score, 30 seconds left to make the run and will they fumble?    Revelations reveals much about the Church's condition... are we weakening or are we strengthening the things that remain?  

                                   " The Prince of this world has been driven out"
                                                       John chapter 12                                     ncaa-football-fiesta-bowl-boise-state-vs-arizona-850x560.jpg (850×560)

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