Tuesday, April 7, 2015

A moment in time: and a jello mold

     What course will today lead you on?  In the start of the day where will you ultimately be headed as the day progresses?  We don't actually really know...do we.  In the day's events there are many possibilities that will play out before us.  Meetings with others, always with  unknown possibilities of outcomes will happen.  Idle talk can turn into an unexpected turns, like the course of a river in a violent storm.  The thing you expect to do may be changed by the one in authority above you and so it goes.
     Is that why we take time out to say steal a smoke?  That one moment when I say,  this is my time, my absolute one and only minute when I can do what I want?  Probably I have done it and it feels good to assert that moment for my little pleasure, even though I know if I continue it in the long run it will harm me,
So there is that one idle moment in the course of our time here that we make a decision, ,make a plan and do it.  But we are like a jello mold.  Put together the right way, and jello has substance, firmness and form that appears somewhat solid.  But put a little heat on and it goes to goo, all over the place.  We are like that without the proper "putting together.  We go all over the place.  We can't help gossip, We can't help our sexual drives. We can't help our innate nature to say steal, rob, lie or whatever it is within that drives us to do so.  We are jello.  Though we are taught good morals from our parents....hopefully, we can stray and do so when we can.   I remember as a kid, my friend and I found a pack of cigarettes and for a week we would hide them under a rock (on a Church property no less) I didn't attend it) and we would try out our new experience....and cough and cough but we still did it.   Why?  Because we could.  Choice.
     The same cycle continues throughout our life. We make a choice and follow it and hope it leads to something good.  However there is still that unformed part of us that will flow and goo into areas of life that will be unpleasant if there is something lacking to hold us up.  What am I getting at? This...
     In the first letter of Corinthians, Paul has to write to his foundling Church to set straight some things that had already been addressed.  Having been sanctifed and become believers in Christ, there appeared again those things, in their behavior that should  have been taken care of.   They had been "wed to Christ and united with his Spirit and not again with the things they left behind.  Sexual immorality ( in whatever form it takes) and court issues, brother against brother etc. etc. In other words they strayed were made still of jello instead of something firm that stands and they resorted to their previous ways.   We all do.  However, if there is something binding, something stronger  in us than just ourselves, then we have a chance.  Paul knew this and he taught them how to avoid in practical ways these pitfalls of theirs and ours.
     That is why the letter from Corinthians is so basic and so much help to new believers who find Christ.
It is a blue print of direction and with the Holy Spirit within to guide it is invaluable. WE can be more that what we started out to be, formless jello in the beginning,  and now a good loaf of bread with all the right ingredients, mixed together, risen and a help to others who eat of it and find Christ within.tequila-sunrise3.jpg (1296×937)

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