Monday, April 13, 2015


    I am a great believer in the sciences. (and in faith) They intrique me.  What lies hidden in the smallest and the greatest of substance is eventually revealed though not all: yet.
     I am fascinated by Quantum mechanics though because it's so uncoventional say as compared to natural Physics. Wave/particle theory for example ( Youngs Experiment) yielded a surprise when performed. Light reacted as both particle and wave at the same time? (Dual probability)  When light as in a laser was directed and shot through a slit it both was absorbed as a particle at the point of impact and caused an "interference pattern to form behind a screen showing light and dark bands?  So it was both at the same time.
     Now for the comparison to the miracles told of in the Gospel.  How did they occurr?  Water into wine,
Natural phenomena being stilled ( stormy seas) think Paul and Christ.  Invisible Spirits cast out, and finally resurrection of matter that was clearly dead and devoid of life back into life again.  Are these Quantum? Are these the very things God uses to befuddle the wise?  Does he and can he manipulate the very matter around us by himself and in himself to show himself?  I guess you be the judge. I don't know.  But I know this wilh all my being......he just does it.  The Big Bang theory....something from a point in nothingness (to us) some say a singularity like a black hole, and then Bang everything comes out and spreads across time, gravity, space and forms everyhing we know and feel and observe around us.  Why then is it impossible to wrap some of hour heads around a God who possiblly did this and refuse to believe that Sin that was our nature was there and now is supernaturlly dissipated or forgiven by a God who chose to reveal himself in  flesh and blood in a Son?  Born, matured, and raised by a man and a women chosen to care for God himself?  I defies imagination!!!!  But nevertheless, something happened on Pentecost.  Something invisible was imparted to the Disciples.......Spirit.....God's. the Advocate, Jesus talked about. He talked about this because the disciples were sorrowful knowing that he was about to be taken away for good.  They would no longer eat and drink with him, see his miracles, see his face break out in  joy when someone was healed, or see the relief when Lazarus came walking out of a darkened cave with wrappings all around his face, all the while struggling to pull them off as the light reached his eyes again.      How did he in the language of the Gospel " slip from within their midst"  when they tried to throw him off a cliff?  ( Because it was not his time?)  Why did he tell Mary" do not hold onto me.....because he had not ascended to the Father?"   What was his nature at that point?   After he came back and showed himself to the many he apparently walked through a closed door???  Well Quantum mechanics I guess could explain that I guess.......but I think I will just hold that in my heart and let God be God!     Quantum rocks!

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