Saturday, April 25, 2015

We Have This Treasure in Earthen Vessels

     We are all "EarthMen" men and women...".mudmen" made of our home planet....Earth.   Composed of nearly 98% water and the rest minerals and molecular compounds put together in a marvelous and mysterious way.   When this body dies we go to dust and return to the basics we once were.   But in between this birth and our eventual death lies a great truth.  We are infused with Spirit.  That which is inside of us and makes each one of us unique lives and functions thru our  body/ or should I say the body functions thru the Spirit.  You see we  Americans have it all backwards.   We live in an extremely materialistic society and capitalistic so that our values are sometimes very surface.  It takes sometimes introductions to other cultures say even American Indian or Asian and Eastern cultures to awaken our inside and mystical selves.  To  be able to understand that this eventual decay and degeneration of this  body scares most of us.  I know it did me.
     To this end, I began early on searching for answers, and over a period of say a couple of years I had been approached by various religions and people from mainstream American Churches but found no adequate answers that were suitable for me.  None seemed to capitvate me or hold much of my attention, yet I still had a deep yearning to know.................the why of things?
      To quote a very old line from the Original Star Trek, when Voyager is taken onboard the Enterprise and Spock melds with it after it's monumental and 400 years voyage in space and consumes and takes in vast knowledge still it  says.....Is This all there Is?
     So too we are asking Is this all there is?    All that I am, all that I have learned,  and stored away, all of the intense emotional experiences  are they all dust? Of no account?  All the myths surrounding cultural belief systems....junk?   I know there is a distillation and a truth to be found in our experiences.   I have watched people afflicted with a devastating disease process lose themselves and go to nothing (Alzheimers) but I do not believe for one second that any of what that person has experienced in their Spirit is lost, it is there intact even though the mechanisms of communication and memory long since shot cannot be reached inside that person.   But God knows,that person intimately and preserves what the Spirit has done in that person.  How do I know this?  Because the Spirit of the living God, The HOly Spirit lives me and those who are believers In Christ's death on the Cross and what he accomplished for all of mankind. "Who knows the Spirit of a man except that Spirit of man and who knows the Spirit of God except God himself and those to whom he has made himself known."
     There is a promise to all who believe this, those who are near and those who are afar off this is the promise Jesus made to us.  It is a seal and promise and a gift to us imparting truth and a rest if you will to our fears of this mortal life slipping away forever into nothingness and losing all that we lived here on Earth for.  Friends, families, lovers and loved ones.   Brothers and Sisters we communed with in this life and will see again in the next.   Myth some is not.   Paul was concerned about the Thessalonian Church in that a false rumor had started about the issue of the coming of Christ and of the resurrection of believers.  Some were worried about those who had died, To which Paul address the following answer:
     13 Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. 14 For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him.

     There will always be those who will deny truth and have unbelief even in the Church.  So it was important for Paul to nip this untruth in the Bud immediately. 

If there were no resurrection then "We of  all men are miserable for Christ was preached in vain>".
      An not live life in vain....there is hope in this earthen vessel.....given by the one who tasted death for us first and rose again to eat and drink another 50 days presenting himself to his disciples and 500 others and then to.....heaven...he is due back soon

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