Thursday, May 19, 2016

Advancing the Kingdom of Light;

     Jesus was perfect in everything that he did.  He always did what the Father told him.  Nowhere in the scriptures do I find any antagonistic nature on display from him.  Even in the account of all that he did as relayed by his disciples you would think there would be at least one thing that would betray this, but there is not one thing.  he healed, tought, fed, and walked from town to town displaying a very different nature that what we do.  Everyday we live and work  in a world where blame is cast, accusations fly, and people do what ever they can to remain blameless themselves to what end?  To look good of course.  In advancing the kingdom of light those who actually practice what they preach in Christianity will then advance in this world....light instead of dark. It is so discouraging to hear the words, it's not my job, I don't get paid enought to do that?  Or, Can't you see that I'm busy! Get someone else to do that....and on and on it goes.  You see there are those corporations that actually infuse their companies with a mentality of cooperation and as we know they excel way beyond others in everything they do and people for the most part are content and happy to be there.  So we walk in a world of darkness is it any wonder why we are frustrated at the end of every day?  Our nature like that of Peter, when confronted with the prediction of his Lord's death was counter to Jesus's.  "Get behind me Satan",, you are only concerned with human concerns!"  So how do we as Christians navigate through this type of nature that non-believers display? It for certain they they too recognize the failings of working in this type of environment or else apathy woul not be so prevalent.  They are sick of it too, and so it's them not me attitude prevails everywhere.  Now not eveyone succumbs to this but 80- to 90 percent do.  And that is enough to be a bad apple in a barrel! To spoil the bunch.  So to advance the Kingdom of light we must always align ourselves on the side of righteousness and truth, not ours but the Lord's.  And then avoid the traps that are set, to catch us up in.  And avoid the defense we put up inorder to resist accusations that may be false against us.  We live in a fallen world and things will go wrong everyday.  Cheer up you Christians!  Yes the Kingdom is here but there will be resistance to come against. Advancing like in battle requires persistence!

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