Sunday, May 1, 2016

Listening to a voice not our own; To redeem the shipwreck of our faith.

     "Give us a King, Give us a King,"  They 'shouted, and so Israel became a nation like any other with a King at the helm of a nation instead of God himself.  Saul was annointed King, blessed in the beginning by the mercy of God, but abandoned and inflicted with a demonic Spirit later on intent on killing the King God would later install for himself....King David.
     So whose voice are we going to listen to today in our own nation? That of a man, subject to a man's whims? and all that goes along with it?  Do we really want to be led by, blasphemous words? Be represented by one who shows wealth and power with gilding of gold leaf on everything owns, with a name stamped on everything he has? Is this the kind of man we are now to choose to shepard a nation of democracy? And are we being blindsided because of what the basest of our own instincts are leading us too? The big " I" is taking over and because most of the nation feels that it has lost something of itself I,e, jobs, border control, terror encroaching, stock market turmoil, and houses lost and the poor becoming poorer?  These in themselves are all representative of the daily fears we must live with. However, when we cede power to man and elect someone to speak for us, we shipwreck our faith.  NO longer do we look upwards to a higher power to seek our refuge in. and that was the undoing of the nation of Israel so many thousands of years ago.  Instead of a nation of Priests, yielding to the voice of the one True Shepard they traded it for a man, and with it they received in that man all of the faults that was within that man.  Taxes, houses and vineyards and the choicest of cattle and stock went now into the King's hand.
   The stark difference between Obama and Trump couldn't be more plain.  Campainging on "Hope" in 2007, and now campaigning on Loss, fear and "becoming "great again"  and raising a deadly hope in the masses.
     Beware of a man that is mocked, and feels slighted,  for In that comes an inner drive of self will that may prove costly for us as a nation.  The undecurrent of our nation surely has changed in the 8 years since Hope was paraded before us and we elected the first African American president to represent us and put behind us ths sins of the past in  the slavery of our fellow man. The restraint of which this President showed in governing, is now maligned and skewed and we are now "weak" according to Trump.  Remember Christ was weak also, and was necessarily so, to listen to the Father's voice and do, exactly what the Father wanted.  Victory was sown in weakness.
     We must not shipwreck our faith, by yielding to everything scripture warns us about when it comes to the desires of man.  In the end, King Saul was run thru by a sword, David died peacefully in his own bed,  after expanding the borders of his nation, and yes David yieded from time to time with his own desires and sinfulness, but he was always aware of it, and sought forgiveness.  Trump in his own words, has never asked for that from God!  Unpredictble says the media, scary, says my Spirit.

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