Sunday, May 15, 2016

The Confusion of Our Time

     The natural order of things we have known is slowly slipping away.  The things that have been put in place are no longer staying in that place.  The accepted norms are no longer accepted but changed and with that comes confusion and disorder.  The same is reflected in the natural around us.  Seas that go wild, and Tsunamis are generated by lands that quake and cities are destroyed.  Is this something old or is it new? And are we experiencing the future too early?  Shifting weather patterns due to climate change say the scientists.  Warming trends that cause a Spring to early and winters too late.  Birds and insects out of natural time seeking what they have known are born out of season and die early for lack of feeding grounds, and pathology that destroys bees now in summer and the fall.  The rest seems to have disappeared for us and the land and the animals.
                                       Should you not tremble in my presence?
                                            I made the sand a boundary for the sea,
                                         an everlasting barrier it cannot cross.
                                           The waves may roll, but they cannot prevail;
                                         they may roar, but they cannot cross it.
23                                         But these people have stubborn and rebellious hearts;
                                              they have turned aside and gone away.

  These are the words of God from Jeremiah. Proclaimed to the nations of Judah and Israel. They too are on the verge of something unatural.  For in their time and fierce nation, and a people with a language they do not understand with "quivers lilke an open grave." will descend upon them and leave them desolate.  Why?  "My people are fools,they do not know me. They  are senselesss children; they have no understanding. They are skilled in doing evil; they know not how to do good."
          This nation was supposed to be a blessed nation and a witness that Almighty God was in their midst.  Instead they rebelled forgot their God, their covenants and for their own piety they received in themselves and their nation a justice from above.
     Have we forgotton our roots?  And have we now entered into a place unnatural for a God to bless us nationally?  Isn't that what we are crying out for in our elections?  For someone to lead and restore.  That will never be man, absent the morality and awareness of his God. One who can and will change seasons and times, a warning, to us.  The simplest things are now in confusion and cause battle lines to be drawn in this nation.  Laws are being implemented and created to suppport a new and different version of morality.  Genders are mixed.    And we can now be whoever we can be, believe whatever we want and do whatever we want.  There are no boundaries.  This is opposite in nature of a  God who gave boundaries to the seas, that cannot displace the sands, cannot roar over them. Unless of course he desires to show himself, Lord over all.  Jesus with but a word, calmed his seas for his nervous disciples.   
            And so with Law we will create new order, inclusive, exclusive, intrusive, whatever it takes to make us happy in our current moment.  

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