Thursday, May 12, 2016

That ever fearful state ;Doubt

      Even the greatest of great men can be cast away and fall into a deep state of doubt and unbelief.  John the Baptist was such a man.  The voice of one crying in the wilderness, "make straight the way of the lord!"  Yes this was the one man, a firery, wild and untamed spirit who went before the Lord, proclaiming the coming Kingdom of God and his Messiah.  This was the one who Leapt in the womb, before birth, upon Mary's approach to Elisabeth.  The heavy Spirit of God was upon him from his birth until his death in captivity by King Herod.
   John, who Baptized for the repentance of sins, to make those ones, clean, and prepared the way for the true Messiah who would do so much more.
     Jesus said, "and if you are willing to accept it, he was the Elijah who was to come. Whoever has ears , let them hear."
    So fast forward to some years later, and John  has been imprisoned, and has fallen into a tremendous state of depression and doubt for he sends his disciples to inquire of Jesus;  "Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?"

     Such a tremendous witness for the Messiah has fallen deeply into despair.  But, take heart, Jesus lifts him up with a word sent back. " Go back and report to John what you hear and see; the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor.  And now for the final uplift, Jesus says, "Blessed is anyone who does not stumble on account of me!"
     What mercy.  What compassion, to the one who most needed it in his time of trial.  John I'm sure went on to his death with greater comfort after these words and commands from his Lord!
   What we as Christians must never lose sight of, is the temptation to fall and enter into a state of deep doubt about our Lord, or even the things we suffer if we end up in a place we never expected too or we do not end up doing for Christ what we first thought we would do.
    Doubt is a serious foe to tangle with. It will strip away and fast the faith that we take years to cultivate.  So be on your toes daily!
     I know first hand, because I have sought for many years the very things that slip through the fingers as though vapor.  And I have wrestled with the age old question, Why?  Anyway, enough of the pity party, suffice it to say we go on and do what we can to influence the sphere around us, and what we have been given.  Even if I never get to ever preach in a Church and to a  congregation the elements of salvation and of God's grace (which I have often hungered for) I will instead, feed the poor, visit the sick, the imprisioned, and try with every breath to fulfil the word the lord has commanded us to.  And especially in the time of Now.......when it is most important, as darkness grows around us.  So with faith in tow.....carry on  my wayward son, there will be peace when you are done.............(credit to Kerry Livegren, Kansas)

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