Tuesday, July 26, 2016

A most excellent word;

     What will today bring you?  Will it be the first fruits of bad news or good?   Will what ever graces your doorstep bring with it the fruit of that which is wholesome or will it be another heart wrenching bit of news that at depresses and brings with it the downcast eyes?  Today, I will focus on the good.  Why?  Because the evil is catching up with us everyday and trying to encroach on what God detests.  We are beings with so much creative and artistic and musical ability why should we let ourselves be brought down to  Hell daily?  Today I will not allow myself to be brought down.  Will you?  Think on these things...."whatsoever thing are good, whatsoever things are pure and so on goes our teaching from an Apostle many years ago.  Lord knows, he had enough of his own troubles and so we are to be always counter to the Devil's ways and model Christ.   Love one another today.   Peace

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