Sunday, July 17, 2016

What we are witnessing; the irrational......


      What we are witnessing today and it seems everyday is the irrational actions of men controlled by passions unbridled. Passions that are stirred up by jealousy, hatreds, and motivated by separations not only of race  and color but of Religious beliefs that burn with a fire that is not easily quenched.  In looking at the differences we have with one another we fail to look at the things which can unite instead.  Instead of coming together over Political and racial divide, we are concentrating and giving voice to the stronger and inward emotions that separate.  Will we truly nominate for President the one who embodies such things?  And will we all be happier when we build giant walls, call out the colors of men, and group all ethnic and religious people who pose a threat in one giant meatball?  It seems that there is a great divide and a great delusion working in our midst.  Witness the Evangelicals of this Country who are lining up with the one who is divisive and calls the things above the reason for our discontent.  I am flabergasted that those who name themselves Christians I.e. Evangelicals can be so blind so as to support such a man.  Do they not see the great big E on the eye chart?  All of the vulgarisms and innuendos, and racist remarks and self-building egoism are definitely not attributes of a genuine Christian.  How then can those Evangelicals stomach such things and unite to be a force for nominating such a man?  It is no different than when Jesus was accused of casting out Beelzebub by was irrationality and blindness.
      Now what about the killings of African Americans and the retaliation of it and the acts of terror seemingly stepped up to a daily and weekly horror?  We are witnessing the breakdown of bonds between men and nations and religious groups that have no moral center and can have none when there is no rudder that is sane.
     "The happiness of men lies In an acquaintance of God; it is life eternal, it is the perfection of rational beings."  So is the quote of Matthew Henry a great commenter of the Bible.
     Everything Jesus said and did was for all of our benefit.  Nothing was left out of the picture when it concerned the human condition.  Are you hungry? Feed one another.  Are you cold and without clothes, see to it that you give your cloak to the one without.  Are you broke and have no resources?  Ask someone who you trust.  Do you lack discretion, wisdom, motivation and feel empty of the worlds's provisions, then go to the one who promises all of these things and can correct the inward longings of such things.  If and when we begin to build up rather than tear down then and only then will we see and feel the joy of the Lord which is supposed to be our strength.  Daily we must resist the one who sows division not only without but within as well.  It is and individual responsibility we carry as Christians representing as Ambassadors the one we love, and the one who gave himself for us.
     Are we going to be as a nation representative of the  one who has been called vile, slanderous, untruthful, and one who dis-owned many while reaping the benefits of their labor to his own gain.  I hope not.  Let's not be irrational anymore and give another look to what we are doing.    And those who go by the name do you really know what contract you are about to sign?

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