Thursday, July 14, 2016

And so it is, and so it goes?

     The glory of a young man is his strength.

     The glory of an old man is his hoary head.

 "But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a savior from there, The Lord Jesus christ, who by the power who enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.

     From the very beginning of this journey called life, we experience gain and then loss as we age.  From somewhere between the age of 10 to age 35 we seem programed to be on an upward swing to achieve and set goals for ourselves and remain in a state of non-entropy.  But then something takes over.....we begin to head on into a very slow spiral of downward movement not only in our bodies but somehow in our minds as we process the changes that take place.  Yes we can continue to mature and gain wisdom but the slippage becomes apparent over the course of the next decades.
     Do we become more complacent as we age?  Accepting of the facts before us that our bodies no longer perform in the same way, our minds stressed out by the continual pressure of lives lived some in the fast lane some in the lane I call " no passing zone" where we stick to a pace we can now endure.  I think I am in that lane of no_passing!  Yuck!  I used to love to drive long lengths of time when young, up and down the East Coast, never tiring of the hum of tires along roadways in endless stretches of roads.  Now I barely tolerate the drive through my city as the mindless rush and sometimes dangerous drivers around me make me tense up and wish to be anywhere but here on the noisey roads.  I barely tolerate the jumble of trucks madly brushing by just inches it seems from my front and back bumpers as I refrain myself from @#$&^%$%^^ words from exiting my mouth!
    Now I am a homebody......It has finally come to ZZZZZZ's (that's sleep) too early for me but I succumb anyway to the necessity of it.  NOw I am not eighty or even ninety but I feel the tug of something in mybody  parts that makes me think omg!  My mortality is on my mind more often than not!  And with that......"I don't want to leave......comes out of somewhere deep within me and stuns my consciousness into a stark reality....It's closer now to a dirt bath than I want to think about....while my wife thinks cemetaries are pretty, with the flowers, the beautiful headstones and angels etc. etc.
    So with these morose thoughts in play there is then the opposite thought of my enduring belief in my waking again after some type of  "sleep" that the Apostle Paul talks about in his letters to the various Churches he founded.  " We shall not all sleep" he contends but at the last trump, ( no not Donald) but the sound, we shall awake and behold him who comes in the clouds with myriads of angels and we shall be caught up with him>!  Wonderful, yes, amazing, and who wouldn't want to believe that?  In direct contrast to the thought of never awaking,  I'll take that any day...
     Also when Jesus was crucified between the two, I guess criminals you could call them, he said to one "today you will be with me in Paradise."  Now if God can never lie and that is his nature, then there is a place again for my body and mind to go to and do what?  Rule and reign with him.......and I don't know what that's going to be like but it's better than absolute nothingness......And I can take a certain pleasure in that and push those pesky thoughts out of my head while my body continues to go it's own way regardless of what I want.   Peace.

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