Friday, July 29, 2016


   One of the benefits of our inherited new life is the ability to shake off that which encumbers us.  Through the Spirit we daily die to our self and to the old man that was bound by sins of our nature and the things that are of no use in the kingdom of God.
     First Peter 2 ; "Therefore  rid yourselves of all malice, and all deceit, hypocrisy's, envy and slander of every kind.  Like newborn babies, crave pure Spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good."
     Have you taken a bath today in the world's water?  Feel the weight of the things that you were set free from?  I'm talking about  gossip, backtalk, lies, and complaints that the world is full of.  Just some of the things that are so prevalent in those who have not tasted that the Lord is indeed good.   And he is good to his word.   As Christians we need not take a daily bath with them but it is necessary that we retreat to our prayer closet and thank God for the freedom we have and pray for those who don't yet experience it.  We have "escaped" from the Law of Sin and Death and are now experiencing newness of our senses in that we no longer do the things that we used too.. It is not pleasing to God.  And never can be. The miracle of that is mind blowing.  And unless you have gone through it or known others who have, then you cannot know the wonder of it.  Jesus, never sinned or in the vernacular, never gave in to the baser things we could do daily.  Did you ever read that he slandered John or Peter behind their backs?  Was he a gossip or a busybody?  I don't see it.  And our great teacher Paul, who was himself over zealous and put some to death later speaks so eloquently of love that endures all things.   How So?  It is because he too was a new creation in Christ, thankful for the full re-birth that God brings through Jesus Christ.  And so if at the end of the day you feel like you have wallowed in all kinds of mud.....find out how to get clean?  Permanently!

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