Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Blind on The Street

       A large city passes before my eyes it's citizens massing on the streets going to and fro frantic in the morning hours fulfilling the wishes of their own hearts. Every one of them blind to what's in front of them.  A boy sits on the street corner with his hand out in ragged clothes thin and worn from the night ravished in his heart longing for the contact of anyone, anyone that would meet his eyes and fill the need of an empty heart.
  The people keep walking, faster and faster looking beyond and above him unwilling to meet the boy's eyes. If just for a second their heart would be pierced through their soul stirred at the sight of one who is orphaned, alone and empty inside crying for the love that has escaped him and caused him to be abandoned.  No one sees, no one hears the call of his heart. No one has time for the one who calls out of desperation, need and loneliness.  Hunger rips at his inward parts his soul damaged ... for those who could help are of no help.
     For the people that are walking have no eyes....born blind they cannot see the obvious, cannot feel, cannot sense any longer..hearts are stone no longer flesh no longer supple no longer able to succor those who are castaways.....
   So the boy moves along in search of a city filled with a people with eyes to see, ears to hear and if for a moment one who would take him in......

              " and he was filled with compassion at those who were in front of him.....the people collected the                  fragments  of bread and fish and all were filled from the bread and fish.  AND THE EYES OF THE BLIND WERE OPENED:

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