Wednesday, June 12, 2013

One Day Left

As I sat on the floor of the dark prison my hands ached with pain. The Shackles had dug their way onto my skin, redness and tearing present on my wrists.  My feet no longer felt pain, numbness had all but taken the place of feeling.  Guards talked outside, just another day for them, and for me last.  All that I had done now came down to this last day.  Thoughts raced through my mind, thoughts that no longer had purpose no direction at all.  Next to me there was one who was no longer conscious.  Beaten beyond recognition he lay there next to another who had nothing but contempt in his heart.  Yelling and screaming all night he hoped to drive the guards crazy. Instead he just grew hoarse his voice all but gone his eyes red with rage.
      Today I was to be crucified along with the two others in my cell.  Everyone in this Roman world knew it would be a long and painful way to die. It was meant to be.  The man who never moved began to stir, slowly  began to awake.  It was him the guards waited for.  Now we would begin our walk, our last walk to the hill that overlooked the city.  I was afraid
     Nails pierced my hands, my feet, I lost control of my bowels, water ran down my legs mixed with my own blood.  I shook violently but still looked at the one next to me sharing the same torture I did.  No cursing came from his lips unlike the other one, he still yelled and mocked those who were below.  I had a strange peace even in my pain.  The man, who now looked at me calmed every fear, took away everything and for that moment I was at rest.  I expected judgement, torment and instead was told today.....
I would be in a man who had robbed and cheated his way through life............

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