Thursday, June 6, 2013

Impossible Mysteries; Might Christ be Who he Said he Was?

Loch ness Monster                                                 Jesus Christ
Heads of Easter Island                                            Angels & Demons
Nazsca Plains                                                           Lepers being Healed
Roswell NM                                                           Men rising from the dead
Martians                                                                 Maladies & sicknesses being healed
Sasquatch                                                               Spirits into Swine
Abominable Snow-man                                           Water into Wine
Were-wolfs                                                             Walking on Water            
Vampires                                                                 Roman coins in Fish

      Parallels that make no common sense to us?   These are just some of the extraordinary things around us that make us wonder.  Stories that have been with us for generations. And there are many more.  Why with a list of so many things is it so hard to believe in the One who came here to forgive us and to lead us to another kingdom?  Why is there such a battle for the mind in this area of belief that challenges us and make us argue and take a stand so vehemently, be oppositional and antagonistic to one another in this area?
     Could it be that they are vying for a place in the mind and heart that is in a realm that has a power over us and can either deceive or reveal?  Revelation or deception two very powerful forces that can be like a drug, influencing the mind and bending it in directions of it's choice.  Heaven or Hell, Turn or awful saying one that evokes strong emotions on either side of the fence.  So when we are faced with these possibilities are we closed to one and not the other? Do we fight to believe in one and think the other is non-sense?
     So if someone walks into your life, one you have known and has a life changing story will you believe it or pass it off as c-r-a-z-y!  I did for a while,,until the "scales were removed from my eyes and thinking"  like Paul in Damascus so many years ago.  It was personal, up close, in the heart and mind changing.
    What we believe. ideas that we hold will shape who we will become, what actions we will take and what we will pass on.  What we don't have to do is force feed it,like baby food  like we think we have too.  Every one has a mind, heart and soul to sort out truth and God is gracious to us all.
                      There is one who stood many years ago and uttered these words,,, "What is truth." as he relented and gave the orders to have the Son of God Flogged and hung on a cross......

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