Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sludge & I trudge (with joy) through my day.

     Working today I started out the day in a fine mood.  Punched in for work and started down the hall and was stopped within 30 seconds with a "list" of things to do even before my mind was set!  Ever have that happen to you?  Not even a chance to get a good cup of office coffee!  I suppose it goes with the territory, maintenance, always something to fix.  The law of Murphy shows up again.  However I believe in if it ain't broke...don't fix it.
     The first care of the world is added on.  Coursing through the halls co-workers are idled "talking" or should I say complaining about other co-workers and catching up on the latest gossip and goings-ons in the workplace.  Bob complains to Rob, who complains about his boss, who later complains to Sue about Mary's work and so on and on...the second care is added on. And on it goes throughout the day. Layer upon layer of peoples troubles until well you are sick inside and weighed down.  People don't necessarily mean it, it's just our nature.
     Finding the ability to  work in the midst of "mud & sludge" is a daily fight we all contend with and wish we could do a better job at filtering out the mess.  It just so happens that we get caught in the trap of wanting to empathize with our co-workers that we are slowly drawn into daily drama that makes it hard to pull away and care for those things the Lord wants us to care about.  Getting dragged through the mud on a daily basis is not my idea of fun or of peace.  But it is a fact of living in a light and dark world for Christians. How do we make the best of this and be instant in and out of season?  Ready to give and account our good life?  It is not that we are immune to all of these cares but we have an obligation to resist the temptations that come with this type of living.  The temptation to go with the flow.....let down your throw in with the crowd and do the things they do!  It's harder than you think and requires a daily dose of getting close to God and remembering who we are in Christ.  We must look in the mirror and not forget and become a double minded man and become unstable in all of our ways.
     So, when Bob comes and tell you of a juicy story about so and so... remember some one is no doubt talking about you somewhere in the halls!  What are they saying.........about you.p-stipple-two-faced-man.jpg (399×500)

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