Saturday, June 15, 2013

My Strong Tower

     My God you are my refuge
you are my strong tower, I will call on your name
When I am weak you are strong
you never leave me comfortless
When I am empty I can count on you
you fill me up, like springs of living water
My words are empty at times,yet I have
abundant hope in you.
Daily I call on your name, strengthen me
and let me feel your goodness.
Mercy and truth are always with you never forsake me
because of my own ways.
I wilt at the first sign of trouble, nevertheless, I will trust in your ways.
The Lion of the Tribe of Judah, he is the one I count on,
he is from everlasting to everlasting, the Prince of Peace.
Lord of Lords, Yahweh always, the.. Great I Am

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