Saturday, September 6, 2014


     It's amazing what tactile sense can bring to us.  {Pleasure} My cat just dedided to impose upon me while reading my morning newspaper.  Pushing his way into my lap he flopped and became my immediate center of attention.  He is orange and big and heavy.  He is a newcomer to my home as I adopted him from and old man who was no longer able to care for him or able to meet the cat's needs.  He is now the Alpha "cat in the house and even rules over our black lab some 30 pounds heavier and taller than him.  Back to sense though.  Having disturbed me now from my reading, he began to purr and nuzzle for that attention he obivously craved from his human.  I responded in kind mindlessly petting him getting pleasure from his orange furr and his motor running quietly inside his throat.  Then he left just as quickly as he came, I guess it was enough for the time being.  What was that all about?   Conscious on his part?  Did he just want spontanaities pleasure in that given moment or me to acknowledge his prescense?  Who knows, but I'll say this it was ok and it returned to me a sense of connection to  one of God's smaller creations.
     Do you remember the comment Data made in "First contact to Captain Picard?
Lieutenant Commander Data: Sir, does tactile contact alter your perception of the Phoenix?
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: 
     Oh, yes! For humans, touch can connect you to an object in a very personal way, make it seem more real.   So, have a pet?  Do so then!
                                                    There you go!.............................................
    Bob-cat-hat.jpg (520×568)Tactile_contact.jpg (1920×826)

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