Sunday, September 14, 2014

History: Repeating again, again, again, until.....God gets what he wants!

Babylon, or Iraq, Iran or Persia nations that have figured immensely in a historical sense are still with us.  We are continuing  millenniums of history right before our eyes.  What Israel fought, we fight.  What we are allied to or tied to in the nation of Israel we are destined to be in a  part of her history just like the nations afore mentioned.  We have become and 'Instrument in the hand of God.'  Though we may say we direct our own course set our own nation on a path that is democratic and a light to all the world in that our freedoms are to be envied, there is still a sickness within like most of the ancient Prophets mentioned and proclaimed against their own land and leaders of the time.  Kings that were corrupt one after another leading that nation into disaster foretold by their Prophets, and heading away from righteousness demanded by the one true God, proved to be their own downfall, smitten by nations greater than them.  Cyrus was in his time such a leader used by God to fulfill his purposes and set the then captive nation free and sent back into their land to worship their god replete with their own customs.  To in effect start all over again and follow a true path.
     We now are a nation struggling to find resolve and peace while in the daily offerings of our media are subject to a brutality of certain people beheading the innocent, people who write for living, people who give aid and comfort in a dangerous part of the world.  The leaders of Iran and Iraq never left their roots.  This ISIS that now pervades our world are another type of people altogether.  Ruthless, souless, footless mauraders driven to kill at whim for their twisted will.  What of this?  And what of the coalitons of nations we are allied with to deal with this type of threat?  One has only to read through several centuries of history and see the coalitions Kings( Israel) made with surrounding nations for their own preservation to see the outcomes.  Most of them paid tribute to foreign lands with their Gods and Paganistic ways  to remain intact. With that the ideas and Gods of that nation generally seeped into the consciousness of Israel and the people.  Evil that was rooted out in the days of Joshua and Caleb and cities that were devastated attested to the obedience of those who carried out such a plan.  It would seem to us looking in as "barbaric" relentless slaughter of innocents within a system of leadership that was reponsible for reprehensible worship of idols and child sacrifice to their multiple Gods.  So do we hold our society above others? Do we adhere partially to what righteousness is? And so suffer what may be our own future distess and disaster?  Is our alliance with Israel a good thing and can it last?  I think anytime a nation goes to the length of support for ideals that are honorable it is a good thing, but with caution because you never know what you are going to get in return with that alliance.  The flood that comes in with fighting alonside and ally  brings in unknown consequences and other enemies to us. Witness the Taliban, Al-Queada, Hamas, what was the PLO and so many others we have either fought in the open or clandestinely through covert methods.  
    We choose to support Israel because of the Judeo-Christian heritage we share. It is by far the most palatable one to accept because it has roots in a Godly morality.  A morality not contrived or made with human effort but given to a chosen people to bless the nations of the earth.  We then must hold to certain standards of morality if we are to continue.  We cannot continue a path of outright 'open morality' while this nation continues to advance immorality in ways that are evident in passed laws and acceptance of  social behaviors that have loosened those moralities like those of cities of Sodom and Gomorah.  There is no just balance in weighing types of sin for sin against one or the other. It is just sin. And will not inherit the Kingdom that God proclaimed on earth.  Any sin will be outside the walls of that kingdom.    Just like nations past we will inherit consequences of behavior.  Just like Israel  that was chosen to be a Royal Priesthood that strayed far from it's original course we can too.  I do hope though we can stem this current tide killings we have seen recently on our tv's and internet and pray we are as a nation an instrument used by God in a correct way and return to those things that will be blessed and not cursed. 

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