Tuesday, September 23, 2014

That Labor of Love: The Church, can you find it?

    In Peter's letters to those Christians scattered throughout the known world, he makes a plea to  them to continue in the love with each other as Christ taught them.  To the elders appointed to watch over them he warned them not to "Lord over them" as do the rulers of the Gentiles do.  This is an important point to grasp in matters of the Church and it's government.  Christ said that those who would be first had to be last and servant of all like he himself showed to all those around him.  Though Lord of all he served with a servants heart to everyone. NO EXCEPTIONS>>>>  Understand that so much damage has been done in Church communities through misunderstanding if this principle.  Yes we must recognize those who are gifted and teach and so forth, but there is a danger in ceding totality of power and a danger of idolozing leadership and those in positions of it.  Christ would have none of it.  In our weakness of human abilities we look to those who naturally lead and want to be led because it seems right but inevitably there are going to be unjust balances, accusations, and innappropriate councils, and the like.  All because we can do it wrong.  Remember what Christ said to those who wanted to be seated on his right and left side of him?  Can you drink of the cup I am about to?  In other words those who would be first, there must be a humbleness of spirit and The Lord must be behind the one who gets "raised up" in that position.  Those with grand plans and great visions, be wary of because they might just lead astray from the greater truths of the Gospel.  Those who preach must not for gain, must not for ego, must not for any reason except for the furtherance of the Gospel and it's truth to release those in a certain captivity and into Christ's freedom.
     I spent many years as in a position of servitude with a heart to give but saw many errors that "we" the "led" gave and put  into the hands of leaders an incorrect power for absolute decision making with disastrous effects on families.  It was a stone cast into a calm lake but with ripples outward going and caused much heartache and even accidents and death.  Horrendous and not needful.  It was the heart of the Sheparding movement in the late 70's and 80's and outgrowth from something good but handed to those who knew not how to wield it.  It put on hold " many "brains and logical thinking" that should not have been so!  What many were taught in the name of "submission" to authorities was taken to extreme measures in cases where it should not have been so.  These were cultic practices inserted into Christian churches and served to control issues and people where it needed not to be at all.  Yes we can read all about the out of control issues that Paul wrote to the Corinthinans about but they were real issues that needed to be dealt with quickly and correctly.  And there were those is positions hopefully of an astute mind and character to do so.Things like buying a car or what job should I get? Or who should I marry? Unless of course the girl was 17 and the guy was 80! Were at the very least not issues a Pastor or Elder should deal with.  Paul nevertheless was concerned about authority abuse and rightly so.  How many are deceived into giving away their life's worth to a phony mission call of a man?  How many serve many years faithfully with a pure heart hoping to be in a position of worth only to be bypassed?  Bypassed and forgotten? I would say many. Or like myself..cast off from those within because of suspicion that you were " in the world" too long and came back but of no worth now?  Yet for all of these things that can happen,( and we are judged by them from a human aspect,) Christ does not ever cast us off except for that one sin only that I can find which is blaspheming the Holy Sprit.  
  There is to be sure a labor of love that goes into being a "church" simply the called out ones who want to serve in a capacity that pleases Christ.  To be an effective ambassador for Christ without losing an important part of your self in the doing of it.  Where there are communities there will always be those busybodies or meddlers who want to get in and share what they think they know but instead cause undue confusion with words without wisdom.  Then there the leaders who know it all by the mere fact of their positional standing.  Peter said to test all spirits and see it they are of God!  We also must use our given wisdom to search out those who we trust and are true believers brothers and sisters alike and see if we are comfortable in doing so.  If any council raises a red flag..within, test it.  Is the council given out of love or out of fear that if you do not do what they say you will.......be in trouble?  This is key.  If in love then ok.  
   For sure being in a Christian community will test your mettle, but I think Christ wanted us to be connected in a good way to one another for our sakes because we need to be.  Finding a Church these days is not so easy, one that holds to principles of truth without weakening the Gospel and building up a people and setting them free like Christ.  I find the secular seeping into the Church in many of the faiths represented and it is sad and also a fear in many Churches in holding to past orthodoxy because many cannot commit any more and soon the numbers will dwindle along with donations (tithes) and so the Church can no longer function and it dies. 
      Christ is the cornerstone and must be to any Church that calls itself Christian and it must be alive organic and full of the Spirit of Christ and above all love must be present, forgiveness, grace and truth also must be in practice.  Each of these things will produce a healthy place of worship.  Safe...     600097690.jpg (1100×1291)

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